Greetings, I have studied all the posts regarding intercom and radio settings. I turned on my panal for the first time yesterday and everything appeared to be working but there is no noise. The radio appears to be transmitting but the intercom seems dead. I hear no side tone or transmission. I hear no squelch from the radio. My portable radio picks up carrier noise with no voice. The intercom does not work from headset to headset. I have tried different headsets and adjusted the volume on the headsets. I have installed all the correct pins in the intercom connector and doublechecked. As a side note, the fans are not working. I checked them before I put them in and I did not try reversing the polarity. I hope there is something obvious that I have not tried because I am getting tired of checking stuff. Any relation between the cooling fan and the intercom? Any suggestions? Thanks, Jeff in Geneva Florida
The fans are on the same fuse as the fuel pump, if you have the fuel pump fuse pulled to prevent dry operation, as you should, then the fans will not run. If your fuse is pulled turn the master off install the fuse and turn on the master and see if the fans run, then turn off the master and pull the fuse again. The fans should have run. The fans are not needed with the top instrument panel cover removed or for short ground runs (15 minutes).

Best regards,
Because the top 4 harness connectors are the same gender and 9 pins, they are easy to get mixed up. My guess is that you have the one for the intercom swapped with one of the other 3.
The fans are on the same fuse as the fuel pump, if you have the fuel pump fuse pulled to prevent dry operation, as you should, then the fans will not run. If your fuse is pulled turn the master off install the fuse and turn on the master and see if the fans run, then turn off the master and pull the fuse again. The fans should have run. The fans are not needed with the top instrument panel cover removed or for short ground runs (15 minutes).

Best regards,

Thanks Vern, you fixed the fans. Now to the other items.
Jeff, while you are in pin checking mode, check all of your pin placements. This will be a good time for that. Don't ask how I know.