I currently have an RV-10 under construction. Tail kit complete and QB fuse enroute. I want a basic policy to cover damage or theft, building fire/destruction etc. I called Avemco asking for $40K worth of coverage. First quote was over $600 per year but included liability. I didn?t need liability (unless I just don?t realize it) so it was requoted without to about $480. I was expecting about half that. Does that sound inline to what you guys are paying? Any recommendation to competing providers better and/or less expensive coverage? Thank you for your consideration. I used search function but didn?t find information I need to proceed.
I also just got a builder's risk policy (40k) for $250. Called my regular insurance broker, and they found the policy and completed the deal in a single day.
Builders ins.

Call Gallagher. When I needed to switch to full flight it was just a phone call away.
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I looked mine up with Gallagher. $647/yr $150,000 non motion. I switched to full flight and I am paying $2200/yr 200k hull. I am low time pilot, but I put a friend of mine as a named pilot also. He is a CFII ATP with 2500+ hrs and over 300 hrs RV10. So that may have helped a bit. He did my first test flight with me and did my transition training for me.
I currently have an RV-10 under construction. Tail kit complete and QB fuse enroute. I want a basic policy to cover damage or theft, building fire/destruction etc. I called Avemco asking for $40K worth of coverage. First quote was over $600 per year but included liability. I didn?t need liability (unless I just don?t realize it) so it was requoted without to about $480. I was expecting about half that. Does that sound inline to what you guys are paying? Any recommendation to competing providers better and/or less expensive coverage? Thank you for your consideration. I used search function but didn?t find information I need to proceed.

Hi David,

You can us a call the quote without liability will be $250 for $40,000 we can also discuss if you need liability. Liability is really only needed if the kit is at the airport already or when you are transporting the aircraft.