Well Known Member
I just got a quote from AOPA today. They came in at 336.00 for liability only. I paid 612.00 last year. It was a notice that came to me from AOPA with the catch line that (We can get you a quote why you wait on the phone) I thought what the heck and gave them a call. It is for a million dollar policy and hundred thousand per passenger, same as what I had before. I have 350hours tail wheel and a 1000 total time. Multi Comercial without Instrument. I am the only pilot listed. Just thought I would let you guys know what I got for a quote. I will use them this year.

Jim Knight
Burlington Iowa
It's not a million dollar policy AND $100,000 per passenger. It's $1,000,000 LIMITED to a maximum of $100,000 per passenger. That may be what you meant, but many people don't understand that. The $100,000 is not extra, it's a limitation.

Rates are down this year - You don't have to switch to AOPA's call center, your current agent should be able to get you that same type of coverage. AOPA just has a big ad budget, so everybody thinks that they are something special.

My $0.02.
Insurance stayed the same

I just renewed my policy on my RV8. $110,000. 130 TT in N214TK and the best I could get was $2608.
What is up with this? I looked around and it was the best I could do.
Darren Kerns
RV8 N214TK
That's about right. Most of the premium is hull coverage. Count on $1.80 - $2.10 per $100 of hull insurance. Couple more hundred bucks for liability.

IFR rating helps - whether you fly that way or not. Experience in the type helps. Don't underinsure, but don't over insure either. Some people want to add in every dollar that they've ever spent into their insured hull value. Resist that temtation - what's it really worth? Like everything else, that value changes year to year with the market, economy, etc.

Don't switch around just because somebody else said they got a better price. Three markets write the coverage - AIG, Global Aerospace, US Specialty. That's it. No magic bullets. If your agent gave you 3 quotes, you have the best price.

We should look at a group safety / flight training seminar similar to what the Bonanza Society or the Cessna Pilots Assn. or the Cirrus Owners group has. Hold it at a pictuesque beachfront location and RVers are likely to attend.