Well Known Member
I will be getting my renewal for insurance soon and was thinking about getting another quote from someone else. A friend of mine is getting it for half what it cost me. I pay 600 for liablity he gets his for 300 through falcon. Both of us have about the same total time. I have a multi- comercial no claims on either one of us. His is all tail wheel and mine is 35 % with a total of 1100 hours. Any suggestion would be helpful

Jim Knight
Burlington Iowa
Get another quote.

I am with NationAir and pay $350 a year or did last year.

I've received quotes of $300-350/year for liability only when getting a full hull package. When purchased separately, I've paid $650 from Falcon. My new quote is the same +$20 for Florida. They appear to discount when getting full package

If NationAir is quoting $300, let me know asap as my renewal is due 3/28.