I've found an independent company will shop around and ultimately give you a few choices to chose from. The folks at Arthur J. Gallagher have been extraordinary in their service. They know experimental aircraft as well. Contact information below.

Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc.
P: 877-577-8267 F: 636-532-3646
Gallagher is what used to be NationAir. Very good service!

Talk to Jennifer Cummins. She arranged quotes from four different companies.
The usual confusion. Falcon and Nationair (now called Gallagher) are insurance agencies. Their job is to provide you with service. The agency will get quotes for you, and make recommendations with regard to, various insurance companies. Generally, the insurance companies expect to only work with one agency for any one person. The sole exception is AVEMCO, which does not use agencies; they will quote you directly (but, at least for me, they were absurdly over priced).
For the record, I use Gallagher (nee Nationair) and am happy with their service.
Gallagher provides the venue for our Social at OSH, which is, by the way, a go for 2016.
Count me as another very happy customer of Gallagher/Nationair. They been very friendly and helpful with coverage including somewhat unusual circumstances such as Reno Air Race coverage. I also obtained builders insurance through them back in the day...

Jenny and her staff at Gallagher are exceptional. I just renewed and the experience was great for me and my budget.

A+ service. Good to support an advertiser at VAF.
Gallagher gets my business for both experimental and certified airframes. Each year I am given several options to choose from, different details for policies from different providers. The lowest cost does not always mean the best option, and I am grateful for the choices they provide.
I'm shopping for a policy right now also. My biggest concern is $10k seems to be the standard for medical for passengers. $10k wouldn't even cover a helo ride to the hospital.
This would be a drift.... but Google the ABC special on the cost of medical flights. And the major companies that sue the patient after the flight.
$1500 per mile is mentioned. Yes, 10K does not come even close.
This would be a drift.... but Google the ABC special on the cost of medical flights. And the major companies that sue the patient after the flight.
$1500 per mile is mentioned. Yes, 10K does not come even close.

I get your drift. Five years ago my wife flew from France to Colorado by air ambulance. The tab was $150,000.
This would be a drift.... but Google the ABC special on the cost of medical flights. And the major companies that sue the patient after the flight.
$1500 per mile is mentioned. Yes, 10K does not come even close.

The 'medical coverage' is a simple way to reduce overhead and especially legal costs. Some policies publish specified payouts that they will do, no questions asked. If costs exceed these payouts, passengers always have the option to sue.
Insurance / Medical Payments

I'm shopping for a policy right now also. My biggest concern is $10k seems to be the standard for medical for passengers. $10k wouldn't even cover a helo ride to the hospital.

Hi Phil,

Please note that the $10,000 Med Pay is in addition to the passenger liability limit. The standard limit for this is $100,000 per passenger with higher options available. We recommend a higher passenger liability limit if available, as $100,000 will get used up pretty fast if severe injuries.

The medical payments of $10,000 are typically used for a quick easy payout for a minor injury.

Feel free to call me and we can discuss this in more detail.

Thanks for all the support everyone and see you at the RV Social at Oshkosh!

Jenny Brower (formerly Estes)