
Well Known Member
Looking at purchasing Bodily injury/Property Damage Liability and Liabaility Limit for Damage to Non-Owned Aircraft policy.

Looking for advice on coverage amounts....

Was thinking $250K Each, $25K Passenger sub limit and $5000 Limit of Liability...

Any one have any advice on appropate coverage for a typicall renter/studnet pilot?

AOPA Insurance Services

Aviator Air Flight School in Grand Prairie, TX requires a $10,000 Aircraft Physical Damage Deductible.
Other suggested coverage... $250,000 each occurrence bodily injury and property damage limited to $25,000 each passenger.
I think the cost is $247.00.
For $5k deductible, I think the cost is $175.
Good luck in your flight training.
Interestingly enough I just attended a set of seminars for business aviation and one of the presenters was an insurance broker. He explained that the options for GA have gotten much better in the last couple years and we should see more competition for our dollars.....sure hope so! :eek:

If anyone wants his name PM me.
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For non-owned, go with the request of your primary rental operator. It only needs to cover their deductible for the physical damage....

Then, go more on the liability since that goes more against you.

And as the others say... talk to a pro since we're all just jabberboxes
For non-owned, go with the request of your primary rental operator. It only needs to cover their deductible for the physical damage....

Then, go more on the liability since that goes more against you.

And as the others say... talk to a pro since we're all just jabberboxes

That's not entirely good advice. You need to find out if rental operator's has a subrogation clause. If they have a waiver of subrogation clause, then your good to go with the deductible. If they don't, then their insurance company can come after you for damages if they can prove you are at fault. The insurance covers the owner, not you.

Talk to a pro is great advice.
Call AOPA and discuss insurance with them. Then call the people listed above.

One piece of advice given to me by AOPA some time back was to get a policy from the same company that insures the planes you are going to rent and then get the smallest policy they will sell. The reason being that if you have an accident, the insurance company won't sue itself.

The other thing to consider it liability insurance. Say you have an engine failure and land in some farmer's field w/o damaging the plane.

The farmer will probably come after you for the crop you and the recovery vehicles damage. That could get expensive.
But you don't need to cover passengers...you're not allowed to carry them!

True, it seems to be built into the default AOPA policy.

Waiting to hear back from the flight school on the specifics of their policy. Then I will talk to the experts.

Thank you for the replies.
We recently installed a module on our website so you can select the pricing and limits and do the entire transaction online... if you prefer that way.

I tend to think buying the highest amount of liability coverage you can afford is a no brainer. Then consider some amount for physical damage. Even if a company came back against you (Subrogation) for damaging a plane, just having something will probably make them happy.

I have seen that "S" word pop up a few more times than I care to read about lately.
