
Well Known Member
Every insurance company has their own rules when it comes to training requirements. Most policies state training must be done in the same make and model. This is occasionally waived to allow training to be done in a similar aircraft (e.g., training in a RV-7 can be done in a RV-6 or vice versa). This is not guaranteed for every company and it must be approved by the underwriter so make sure you check with your broker. Keep in mind, the insurance companies do not consider a tailwheel model Vans aircraft similar enough to a tricycle gear model Vans aircraft to count as make and model time. So even if you have a lot of Vans time with the opposite undercarriage, you will still need training in a Vans aircraft with the same undercarriage as yours.

As another reminder since we are still in a hard market, most insurance companies require 25 hours in tailwheel aircraft in order to get quotes for a Vans tailwheel model. By meeting the recommended 25 hours tailwheel, you will have more quote options available to you.