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I just got a major bump on premium from Old Republic insurance due to engine ground fire (birds nest), repair and replacement last year.

I haven't really explored much but could all please suggest what I should do to shop for insurance. What are you paying and what kind of coverage makes sense (I rather be conservative that get high premium, what are the musts)? I have an RV12 (20014) and absolutely love it :)

Does having AOPA / EAA membership help with discount (I have the later).

Thank you,
Since you have Old Republic, you must also have a middle man, a "broker". It's their job to (1) search out all insurance companies for you, and recommend the best for you. Call them and ask your questions. BTW, it's the nature of the market, to go up and down. Currently many people are seeing significant premium increases, just because.... Yours may or may not be because of the fire. Call your broker and ask your questions.
If you want to compare your rate to others, you need to furnish details:
RV-12 insured hull value, deductible, full coverage or not-in-motion?
Liability limits, including any passenger sub-limits.
Your qualifications: age (yes, that matters), total hours, time in RV-12, time last 12 months, license/ratings (private-com-atp, instrument rating)
edit: AOPA or EAA membership is probably worth a couple of dollars, but not really important. But I did forget to add, any regular recurrent training?
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Others' rates are going to be helpful or comparable for you only if they too filed a claim...

As you've observed, if you filed a claim, especially a big one, you can almost certainly expect a premium increase from your current insurer. Likewise, when you shop around you'll find that you're going to be asked whether or not you filed a claim within the last xx years. When you say yes you're going to get a higher premium than you would without a claim history, if they'll even cover you at all.

That said, I second going through Gallagher. If a reasonable rate is available, they'll find it.
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For reference point: I’m paying $899 for 75K hull insurance and 1M liability. ATP, CFII with 1000 hrs in type and about 120 hrs/yr in type.
I just got a quote from BWI for $978.00 for $90,000,00 hull and 1 mill liability. I was very pleased!
Yes, BWI with me is $970 yearly,80K hull, 1 Million Liability.2018 RV12
Really depends on your total time and time in type.