
I had an incident about 6 moths ago where the tip-up on my -7A slammed shut with a wind gust and broke off a piece for the plexi-glass. Unfortunately, it never occurred to me at the time to file an insurance claim to replace the canopy. Questions 1. Would this be a valid claim? 2. As I have recently changed insurance companies, can I go back to the old company and retroactively file a claim?
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
When you changed to a new company, a standard question on the application is, "Have you had any claims in the past 5 years?"
Did you say "no"? Before contacting your old company, I'd run this past your broker and find out if this will affect your current policy.
Once you have cancelled a policy, I doubt very seriously that they are going to honor a claim.
The other consideration is a small claim like this may haunt you when renewing you insurance as you will need to then tell them you have filed a claim.

The other consideration is a small claim like this may haunt you when renewing you insurance as you will need to then tell them you have filed a claim.


Carl, Unfortunately, this would not be a small claim, that's why I'm trying to find out if I can still make a claim. I was told by a reputable builder that the canopy would be about $1,500, but the labor could be over $10,000.
Carl, Unfortunately, this would not be a small claim, that's why I'm trying to find out if I can still make a claim. I was told by a reputable builder that the canopy would be about $1,500, but the labor could be over $10,000.

$10K+ in labor! :eek: If I were you I'd think about getting my hands dirty, hook up with a local builder if you don't have the skills, tools, and/or confidence (pay'em in beer and pizza) and replace it myself.
$10k sounds like a lot, even if you hire it out professionally. Say an A&P charges $75/hour that's 133 hours. I don't think it would take even half of that.
Tip up canopy construction is a high skill art. Look at build log hours to see how long it took people to do it, 120 hours or more for some people. Van's does not make this easy. An AP might be able repair the existing one if he can get the plex off and sand off most of the epoxy. The plex for the canopy is about $1200. Still a bit of skill required. I am sure there are people on here that have tried to repair them. Your really want to find an RV guy with experience vs just some AP.
Maybe hook up with a local EAA chapter or an RV builder for some help and maybe for a modest donation the local chapter, you might get some help and valuable experience in replacing it.

10K is ludicrous! I'd turn it into an open canopy plane before I'd spend that!
It doesn't hurt to try. Contact your broker and ask. Depending on the carrier and date of the event, you may have timed out on the opportunity to turn in a claim. Also, documentation of the event, date and location, any pictures and so on, will be called for. I wouldn't worry about the current carriers reaction as technically you were still loss free when you signed up the renewal with the new carrier.
In the scheme of things this would be a small claim, even at $10k. Will it hurt your insurance buying ability going forward? No. It's in the category of an "act of god" and not an operational error or anything like that.
Again, it's a long shot but it doesn't hurt to try. All they can say is no.
FYI: I have been in the aviation insurance game for 30 years.
If you weren't moving it may be a non-movement accident. I doubt they would hold that against you. The insurance company you were with at the time of the accident is the one to file the claim with. If they honor the claim this late they will provide the shop to perform the fix. Call your broker and see what he says.
