Hey guys

So along with the several other threads I've created (oops?!), I have a question about insurance. I looked on the nation air insurance website and found names of two agents for RVs. Does anyone have any suggestions on who is better? or would be willing to help me out more?

Thank you!!
All good people

Hey guys

So along with the several other threads I've created (oops?!), I have a question about insurance. I looked on the nation air insurance website and found names of two agents for RVs. Does anyone have any suggestions on who is better? or would be willing to help me out more?

Thank you!!

Jenny is in charge.

Shanna will take good care of you.

Both good people.

I think Jenny is now in charge of all small aircraft and now Shanna is over the RVs as a specialty segment of the market. Give them a call.... they beat all the other agencies on getting me a great deal for insurance on my RV6.
I think Jenny is now in charge of all small aircraft and now Shanna is over the RVs as a specialty segment of the market. Give them a call.... they beat all the other agencies on getting me a great deal for insurance on my RV6.

Shanna will take good care of you........
Scott at Skysmith has always done a great job.

Another vote for Scott. He has taken good care of me for many years.
Just renewed for $1100, full coverage on my -6 through AIG.

Some companies won't insure me because of my 1500' runway.
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Another vote for Scott. He has taken good care of me for many years.
Just renewed for $1100, full coverage on my -6 through AIG.

Some companies won't insure me because of my 1500' runway.

Full coverage through Nation Air was $884/ yr. I am instrument rated and keep it hangared, plus 1200 hrs total time. Good deal in my opinion
Another data point that I found interesting - I am a named insured pilot on another aircraft that went into repair for a landing gear issue on insurance, so it has an open claim. I contacted our agent and asked for a quote on my RV9A since I expect to have it flying within about 6 months, and I was turned down for the quote simply because there was an OPEN insurance claim on another aircraft that I was named insured on. AIG and NationAir both declined to quote and said it was for the same reason, that there was currently an open claim with my name attached to it. The other airplane comes out of the shop today, I'll give the paperwork a few weeks to settle and try again.
RV Insurance

I'll put in a big plug for Hardy Aviation Insurance. They are just the kind of airplane loving folks you want to do business with. My rates were very competitive but the real test was when my RV-4 was totaled due to storm damage (hangar doors failed).

I called them while driving to the airport to see the carnage. I got an immediate call back from Randy Hardy, the agency owner who said...
"Take a few pictures, do what you need to protect the plane, then go home and have a beer. We'll sort it out tomorrow." From there on, they were nothing but fair and helpful. I'm not sure what more anyone could ask of an insurance agent.

When you call, ask for Tim Wiebe (owns a Glasair, but I try to not hold that against him).