Well the written is the easy part

With the written you can schedule it and take it but with the oral and flight test you can't take them until your instructor endorses you as ready. That tail chase can go on forever.

Bob Axsom
my instructor is bugging me to finish instrument before he gets recalled back to airlines

the written i am endorsed to take, the oral/check I am a flight away from being ready for he says

so ready to be done w/ paying for flight training
You're never "done."

so ready to be done w/ paying for flight training

Sorry, but you are never done paying for flight training. Stop learning in this game and you are dead.

John Clark ATP, CFI
FAA FAAST Team Member
EAA Flight Advisor
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
Amen to that

I went up and did 6 approaches yesterday as i had gotten seriously behind..I was still legal but not in practice..Amazing how quickly you loose it...Its also amazing how quickly it comes back to you..

But i swear I'm never going beyond 30 days without flying an approach.

I got my ticket about 3 months ago and been filing IFR for every flight since and have learned some thing new on each of those flight. It is absolutely true that the ticket is just a ticket to start learning but each time it is a bit more fun and more relaxing.
woohoo, passed! i agree with post above, i told my instructor he's required equipment for me on my first 50hrs after I pass my ride, okay maybe not 50...but quite a bit