
Well Known Member
Hi folks:

I am laying my panel out and am wondering how far apart I should put my components. My biggest concerns are cooling and interference.

If I put my AFS3500EE right in front of me, that leaves 3 inches between it and the nav/comm/transponder stack if I put the stack on the centerline of the plane. I was thinking of putting 2.25" backup instruments between the EFIS and the stack which would only leave 3/8" on either side of the instruments for air circulation and interference negation. Is that enough or should I slide the nav/comm stack further right to give everything more breathing room?

I think you can put most of these as close as you like without significant cooling problems (others may chime in differently). To me the key is access to mess with the wiring and tubing that limits the proximity of instruments. Also, depending on how much panel space you have, it may actually look better to have the instruments spaced apart. I had no problem getting two Dynons, a radio stack, and column of backup 2.25 inch gauges on my standard panel (I'm VFR), with plenty of room for switches and a glove box. Plus I have abundant space left over.

My opinion.
