
Well Known Member
I completed my instrument rating today successfully passing the instrument checkride! This was all done in my RV-9A. I started with 320 hrs TT, of which 270 was in my RV. I was fortunate to have some really good instructor(s). My real CFII instructor was Andy, a Kansas City Center controller and RV-7 builder. My 'safety pilot' was Doug, also a CFI, RV-6 builder and real-world flyer (Citations) . I did all of my flying with these two gentlemen and logged about 43 hrs of instruction between them. Local examiner Ron Albertson conducted my exam.

My panel consists of a KX-155 w/ GS and KLN-89B GPS for navigation. Standard 6-pack layout with TruTrak ADI for AH/DG. Garmin 496 to provide situational awareness/weather. I have the ADI Pilot with 2-axis autopilot.

My checkride consisted of an ILS, two GPS and a VOR-A, two of these with partial panel. We also did a couple of unusual attitudes. Ron is well known in the area and very well liked. He gives honest checkrides and uses them as a teaching opportunity.

It feels great to get this accomplished. Now we should be able to make LOE more often!
Great Job!


That is a Great Accomplishment! And all in the RV to boot.

Congrats!!! and... practice practice.

I did all mine in the 7a and I still say it was the second hardest thing I have ever done.

The first hardest was finding the perfect Wife..:)

Try to avoi NOT flying in IMC..Its funny I try to avoid real wx all the time.>:)


Now, the most painless way in the world to stay current (really current, not just legal) is to plan and execute every cross-country under IFR, even if it's severe clear.
Great job! Isn't it nice to relax in the evenings instead of studying?

I'm coming up on 3 years since my IR ride and although I've stayed current, my proficiency isn't what it once was. Renting sucks!
Eyes were watching

Matthew, congratulations. I was working a high altitude sector but I heard the controller near me using your call sign. I brought up your data block and watched you fly around LWC. I actually thought it might be your check ride since I saw Andy at work. Good job!

The wife has a rule that if we fly more than 45mins from home we do flight following, so we'll just be replacing that with an IFR flight plan every time. We enjoy 'being in the system'.

Now, the most painless way in the world to stay current (really current, not just legal) is to plan and execute every cross-country under IFR, even if it's severe clear.
Thanks Joe. You probably heard something close to my call sign. :) I think they had me down as N153RV instead of N523RV. When I called for my clearance, they couldn't find my flight plan, so they (OJC tower) opened one for me and must have got it wrong. I was too busy to correct them. :)

Matthew, congratulations. I was working a high altitude sector but I heard the controller near me using your call sign. I brought up your data block and watched you fly around LWC. I actually thought it might be your check ride since I saw Andy at work. Good job!
Congratulations, that is quite an accomplishment.

I hope I can get my ticket someday, but it will be a while.
Congratulations, I took my commercial check ride from Ron Albertson in 1982. Part of it in a Piper Arrow for the complex and the rest in my Dad's Decathlon. The part of the check ride in the decathlon was a lot of extra playing around with aerobatics after the required airwork. Glad to hear Ron is still after it.
Free IFR Atlas

well done. i always log some approaches when flying with my pilot buddys. let them share some expense too. ha ha if you are interested i will donate a used ifr low altitude enroute chart book by air chart systems. just pick up the shipping. great way to stay up on chart reading and flight planning. it covers the united states. call 772-349-0609 cl
Thanks Turbo. I just got my renewal form for the Airchart book I currently get. Considering the Enroute book as well. Not sure how often we'll be flying IFR to justify the extra $99. I may just buy the charts as needed. Will send you a PM with address if you still willing to send me your old one. :)


well done. i always log some approaches when flying with my pilot buddys. let them share some expense too. ha ha if you are interested i will donate a used ifr low altitude enroute chart book by air chart systems. just pick up the shipping. great way to stay up on chart reading and flight planning. it covers the united states. call 772-349-0609 cl
ready to ship

matthew, i am ready to ship the chart. i have your address from the other pm. just let me know its a go and you will pick up the shipping. it is an old one and will probably only be good for studying chart stuff only. congats again, great going.
Well I got my IFR ticket today. Took two tries as the GPS in the plane I was flying was on the fritz the first time so I had to retake the GPS approach. All went perfect this time and the weather was great despite the temperature. Now to find out how to keep current and build a 10. Where should the money go?
Well I got my IFR ticket today. Took two tries as the GPS in the plane I was flying was on the fritz the first time so I had to retake the GPS approach. All went perfect this time and the weather was great despite the temperature. Now to find out how to keep current and build a 10. Where should the money go?

Congrats on the new rating!

I too was in a similar situation. The dilemma that I was in, which I'm sure isn't unique, is I could fly and keep current or I can build and fund the parts faster. I really didn?t have the funds to do both. Since I sold my Cherokee 180, I didn't want to rent. My decision was to let my currency lapse and attempt to build faster. I start getting current again about six months before I finish the build. I probably won?t focus on getting an IPC again until the RV-10 is done.

My employer just helped with the build faster part, since I was RIF'ed last week. Fortunately, my fuselage kit is on the way and that will keep me busy for awhile. So for the mean time, I'm now a full time RV-10 builder. I'm just hoping I can land another position in the next couple of months so I don't have to dip into the engine and avionics fund too much.
