
Well Known Member
I am trying to get a feel for the instrument panel weight for a typical RV installation. Given that is typically where the majority of variation occurs, it would be especially nice to know that value combined with Dan's W&B data. You could obviously subtract the panel moment/weight from the appropriate airfrme average for your engine/prop type, then add up the weight of your planned panel components and see approximately where you might end up (c.g. wise).

Does anyone on Dan's list know what their completed panel weight is?

7A Finsihing
By dumb coincidence, my panel is sitting on the workbench in the hangar tonight (I finished all of my Altrak wiring about 10 pm, and decided to wait (and not rush) the re-install. IF (and that's a big if), I can remember, I'll weigh it tomorrow before putting it back in the plane.


Miracle of miracles - I remembered to weigh the panel before reinstalling it! 29 lbs, all up, with all instruments and avionics installed.

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9A Mine came in at 39lbs
Horzion 1, AS ind, Alt, Turn bank, full set EI engine gages, 396 GPS, SL30,SL40,GMA 340 and 327 transponder, digitrak and switches.