
I'm New Here
A co-worker of mine gave me his student who is training to become a Private pilot in his RV-7A. He is getting ready for a solo flights now and I'm not sure how I should teach him about take off data, climb, cruise speeds, and landing datas. I know its a expermintal category and you create your own poh. Any suggestion helps. Thank you.
The airplane should (is required) have the operating limitations on board. They may have some of these numbers listed. Also weight and balance data.
If I were you, I think I’d (1) Get ahold of any standard POH (152, etc) and use it for ground instruction so the student has some idea of what to expect in a standard category airplane, and (2) go fly with the student and by direct tests determine Vs1 and Vso (then calculate approach speed as 1.3 stall speed), do tests to find Vy and best glide, etc. I suspect the student will find it interesting.