Plan B

Nice write-up! :)

What a good decision to choose a plan B. I am convinced that even in the non-aviation world we often don't visit the interesting things that are close to home.

Well done! :D
Got a bottle of Spotted Cow here next time you head for the home place.
Plan B

Hi Dennis! Sounds like you and Lori came up with a wonderful alternative to OSH. And the truck looks super - guess you can do fiberglass!
Plan B

Dan, sorry we didn't make up there to see the beer fairy. But, I'll take you up on the Spotted Cow sometime soon.

Bill, don't start a rumor that I can do fiberglass, you know how rumors spread. Is your RV-8 flying yet? Once you get it going, come see me and I'll give you the grand tour of the North Carolina coast...

See you guys soon,

Really enjoyed your write up. Local exploring can be the best. I was reading a flight log story about a return from Oshkosh where he left around 10:00 and expected to be home by 6:45pm. After my 1.2hr flight today in my RV12 all day would be rough.

Thanks again! I have visited Greenville twice and enjoyed your downtown area.