Just planning logistics for my build, and need some advice.
My workspace can fit the fuselage, tailplane, engine and one wing... not both. My wings are finished, and all sheet metalwork finished on the fuselage except for the wing fairings. Plans say I shouldn't fit the floor until wing fairing installed due to rivetting access.

My workshop is warm, dry, with a rubberised floor and 20 feet from home. The hangar is 10 miles away, cold, wet, and with an unpainted concrete floor that is as dusty as ****, so I want to do as much work at home as possible... at least until spring.
Do the wings need to be installed before the fairings are riveted to the fuselage, or can they be trimmed to the drawing specs, fitted and then final trimmed later when the wings go on?
I think the only riveting of fairings that would be inhibited by installing the floor is the flap fairing. It is a somewhat complicated shaped part, and you will no doubt do some head scratching to get it oriented right. If you have riveted in your floors, then you would have to install these with blind rivets.

Some of us have made the floors removable, so there is underfloor access for a variety of reasons. I did and I would say it is worth it. I just recently installed a new avionics box under there. (GDL-82).
Removable floor also gives you access to rivet on the flap fairings. Having said that, a couple of rivets for the flap fairing are located under the baggage compartment floor rather than the cockpit floor, and I didn't bother to make that removable. So I think I have a couple of blind rivets there on my flap fairings.

Hope that helps.
The short answer - no.

Initial wing fit can be done with hardware store bolts and such, but this needs to be done before anything else (and requires both wings to be on). Remember you need to set the angle of incidence as well as the wing fore/aft sweep (stuff to do before drilling the aft wing spar to fuselage bolt hole). Then the tedious process of flap inboard edge trimming and such. After all that you can work the wing root fairings.

Recommend you work other finish stuff and defer this big step to warmer weather.
