
Hi , Iā€™m looking at installing a tail light (position/ strobe) in a flying RV 6, as far as I can see there is no hole in the rear of the fuselage, does anyone know where is the best place to drill hole ? Also open to suggestions as to where to run the wiring in the rudder ? Any photos would help. Regards šŸ
There is no guidance on where to drill a hole...
Below the bottom rudder hinge the fin spar doesn't do very much. There is plenty of space above the bottom bolt for a hole.
Consider leading the wires vertically so rudder deflection twists the wire bundle rather than bending the wires.
In the rudder it is difficult to secure the wires - lay them in the glass fairing inside some snakeskin.
Also consider how the light will be disconnected in the future if the rudder has to be removed. I ended up with a terminal block on the rear deck and wires long enough to reach it. The type of connectors chosen will dictate the size of the hole in the fin spar.
You can get some good ideas if you can access RV-14 plans. Not specific to your case but close enough.
Tail light wire

The builder of mine ran the wire 1" above the middle rudder bolt. I've had the rudder off a couple times and it's in a good spot for me.