ron sterba

Well Known Member
The word I'am getting is fuselage skin cracking just above rivet plate of this step .Will this help. My piece is 6" long and width of rib in .063. . Iam just building my 9A and want to avoid pit fall. I thought if i put a backing plate on rib that the tube goes thru and a backing plate behind the nylon block that I might transfer the stress and stop the:confused: cracking?. Has anyone done this. Also how would you rivet this step. Bucking bar inside and gun outside? Thanks Ron
Backing plate

The word I'am getting is fuselage skin cracking just above rivet plate of this step .Will this help. My piece is 6" long and width of rib in .063. . Iam just building my 9A and want to avoid pit fall. I thought if i put a backing plate on rib that the tube goes thru and a backing plate behind the nylon block that I might transfer the stress and stop the:confused: cracking?. Has anyone done this. Also how would you rivet this step. Bucking bar inside and gun outside? Thanks Ron

I did the same thing. Installed a backing plate on the rib the nylon block attaches to, and an extra bolt in the nylon block. Rivet pattern standard. Bucking bar inside. See images here
I put backing plates for the steps on the inside fuselage skin. I didn't think of adding them for the nylon blocks but that's not a bad idea.

I also used proseal between the step & the skin and on the inside between the skin & the backing plate.
Jim & Rich,, Thanks guys. I feel better that I have people whom feel this is a problem & that should be addressed. You guys have going in the right direction. Just put one one side today and it already looks stronger! Also today at our EAA meeting I bought my LED lights for my 9A with the embeded wing tip model. There A V E O said as AVEEEOOOOOO by aveo northwest dealer is His name is Howard Olsen. He was a C141 pilot then went to airlines. Cool lights. everybody was amazed at the brightness and the lifetime warranty.hard to believe! pos/nav/strobe all in one unit. strobe can be amatched or independent on a 1.25 amp draw for strobe. Thanks guys.