
Well Known Member
It look like the forward adell clamps, that hold the rudder cable plastic sleeves to the the seat ribs, co-exists with the ground wires from the stick PTT switches and the 12 volt socket. So, what did you all do, drill another hole, or just pile up the parts?
Reference: 32-11 fig 1, and 31-11 fig 1


Page 32-11 uses same holes as 31-11.

Just ran into this today. I sure wish the plans hadn't called for the screw and locknut earlier in the plans on Page 31-11 for grounding lugs. Putting the Phillips screw in required contortions with an offset screw driver, and the same thing to take them back out! All for nothing! I wasted a few choice words on this one!
Just ran into this today. I sure wish the plans hadn't called for the screw and locknut earlier in the plans on Page 31-11 for grounding lugs. Putting the Phillips screw in required contortions with an offset screw driver, and the same thing to take them back out! All for nothing! I wasted a few choice words on this one!

Hee, hee. John, there are more frustrations to come. I was reading the PAP and it has you removing the gascolator bowl before the first flight. You'll have to cut off that safety wiring job you did so carefully during the fuselage kit work. And, if you can get out that back gascolator bowl screw by the gear leg without taking the whole gascolator off the firewall, then you are a Master Mechanic and a better man than me.

Gee thanks Tony, that just makes my day!;)

Why would you have to take the whole bowl off - why not just remove the quick drain and flush it out?
Hee, hee. John, there are more frustrations to come. I was reading the PAP and it has you removing the gascolator bowl before the first flight. You'll have to cut off that safety wiring job you did so carefully during the fuselage kit work. And, if you can get out that back gascolator bowl screw by the gear leg without taking the whole gascolator off the firewall, then you are a Master Mechanic and a better man than me.


A well placed hole in the nose gear leg plate would have been nice here. Scott, please note this suggestion.

I have one of these, have not tried it, but, it may work.
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