
Well Known Member
Many an inner tube has been munched (not that I have ever done it...) trying to assemble the nose wheel on these RV's. The method I prefer to eliminate this problem is to first seat one bead on the rim half (the one with the inner tube stem groove) using an arbor press or some such contraption. Then put the tube in, with minimal air. One can experiment to find the optimum. Then, as shown in the picture, I used clamps to put the other bead of the tire below the rim mid point. Some care must be used to keep the inner tube out of the way, but the nice part is that one can see it. Once this is done, it is simply a matter of assembling and torquing the other rim half.
Dangit, I wish I'd searched VAF before putting together my front tire today (I can only print out so many threads! :D ).

So now that I've mashed the tube, I left the stuff at the hangar and now I'm home, without a size number for a replacement tube for the 7A nose tire. Anybody got it handy?
Dangit, I wish I'd searched VAF before putting together my front tire today (I can only print out so many threads! :D ).

So now that I've mashed the tube, I left the stuff at the hangar and now I'm home, without a size number for a replacement tube for the 7A nose tire. Anybody got it handy?
Nose Wheel tire size. 11x4.00-5 6 ply
Bob, for years (if not still) the kits came with two nose inner tubes, which sort of tells you how difficult they are to install.
The nose wheel tire is a pesky item. I found a quick fix. Go thru all the necessary steps to get the tube in the tire, put the wheel on the tire, no bolts yet, gently inflate the tire. This is the important part with the wheel on a block of wood about the area of the wheel, gently push down on the top wheel section. Make darn sure you hear metal to metal contact all around. If not, a little more air in the tube. At some point you will hear the sound of metal to metal. Success is at hand, loosley put in the hardware again checking for the clack of metal. Tighten and enjoy.

This method has never failed me on any tire change, be it a RV or my trusty Cherokee.

John H

Good info. What size are those clamps in your photo and where did you purchase them? I looked at Harbor Freight and found about 50 different types of clamps and realized I had no idea which size to buy.
Chuck Olsen
Chuck - I swiped those clamps from Pete Howell's tool box. I think they were either Vise Grip or similar, made from reinforced plastic. I've used large c-clamps in the past. Next time one of us is at the hangar, we will try to remember to look.
nose gear

Thanks. Guess I'll order two.
You should have two nose gear tubes in your kit. Ask me how I know-I just trashed the first one. Second worked fine. Nice idea with the clamps,wish I had checked the threads, I mean how hard can it be to put a tube in a tire(HA_HA on me)-Sears, Lowe's, Home Depot, Irwin sell them, pretty generic 12 inch slider/pistol grip clamps.
Mike H 9A/8A