
I?m posting my installation description in the hope that it will make your Navworx installation a little simpler. I learned a lot along the way. Your avionics probably will be different but this may still help.

My RV9A?s avionics include Dynon D100 and D120, Garmin GTX327 Transponder and GPSMAP496.

First I build a ?hat? platform and mounted the ADS600-EXP and UAT antenna in the rear fuselage just aft of the baggage bulkhead. On the forward side (bottom of picture) are the WiFi antenna and the internal mounted GPS antenna connection.


On the aft side (top of picture) is the DB9 connector which contains a 6-wire (28ga) and a 3-wire (22ga) cable both shielded purchased from Spruce. These cables were routed forward to under the instrument panel. Under the instrument panel I added a DB9 male to female connection so the ADS600-EXP unit could be disconnected (and because I order the cables too short, note 12ft is not enough).

The connections for the DB9 pins are:

Pin = Description ->Connected To [Wire Color (*3-wire cable)]

1 = TPX Control ->TPX DB25 Pin 20 (new pin) [White-black]
2 = Control Ground ->TPX DB25 Pin 13 (join wire) [White]
3 = Altitude Encoder ->TPX DB25 Pin 19 (join wire, from Dynon D100 pin 13) [White-red]
4 = Encoder Ground ->O-Ring on TPX DB25 Connector (from D100 pin 21) [White-blue]
5 = Power Ground ->Aircraft Ground Terminal Block [White*]
6 = UAT Fail (Out) ->Dynon D120 Pin 9 (Contact switch #1) [White-blue*]
7 = Traffic (Out) ->GPSMAP496 Yellow Wire (cut wire) [White-green]
8 = Traffic Ground ->GPSMAP496 Black Wire (join wire ? don?t cut) [White-orange]
9 = Power + ->Garmin GTX327 Breaker (shared ) [White-red*]
Gnd = 6-Wire Shield ->TPX DB25 Connector O-Ring

The difficult part was wiring the transponders DB25 connections. First I didn?t know how to get the DB25 connector off the TXP case. Turns out you need to remove the transponder with a small hex wrench then unscrew two Phillips screws inside the case that hold the DB25 connector to the back of the case. Then the connector comes apart after removing two small nuts. Inserting TPX pin 20 is easy. The difficulty is tapping into the pin 19 and 13 and the O-ring wire. There?s not much slack and you?re working under the instrument panel.

I was surprised that my Dynon encoder was not grounded on TPX pin 13 or 25, but checking continuity from the D100 show that it was the O-ring under one of the DB25 nuts. It works so that?s all I need.


After wiring, the ADS600-EXP, Garmin GTX327 and GPSMAP496 all need to be configured. For the GPSMAP496, just set serial input to TIS Traffic at 9600 baud. For the Garmin GTX327, set serial output to REMOTE. When configuring the GTX327 remember to tab off the changed field before powering off, otherwise the change won?t be saved. I found out the hard way.

Configuring the ADS600-EXP is accomplished with the Navworx configuration program downloaded from the support section of their web site. Before starting the configuration program, disable virus protection and connect to the Navworx WiFi. The rest is straight forward. Good Luck.
Thanks for posting this. I have exactly the same radios and I've been trying to understand how I would wire the ADS600-EXP. Now I guess I just need to get one on order (and then wait apparently!).
FAA Report

As an update, I just receive a clean FAA ADS-B Compliance Report for my installation. Thanks Navworx.
ADS-B systems do not require checks ever X months, but your transponder and altitude encoder still do. No ADS-B equipment replaces the transponder. Some ADS-B equipment is built into transponders however.

Mine was supposed to ship this week, but i didn't received any notice. My order was placed in March. In a cursory review of the setup procedure I could not determine if the unit can be configured for wifi to run WingX and a connected Garmin 560 or whether it has to be one or the other. If anyone has any insight I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
There is no configuration of the -EXP for wifi. It will work with WingX. If it hooks up via wire to the 560 it should display there at the same time. I can't speak to the compatibility with the 560, but assume you mean the Aera 560.
There is no configuration of the -EXP for wifi. It will work with WingX. If it hooks up via wire to the 560 it should display there at the same time. I can't speak to the compatibility with the 560, but assume you mean the Aera 560.

The NavWorx site seems to indicate that the -exp does offer Wifi, but maybe that feature isn't working?

From their website:


The ADS600-EXP offers full ADS-B OUT (transmit), and IN (receive) capabilities, delivering traffic and weather to displays connected via internal WIFI and/or RS-232 serial channel. Sends Traffic & Weather to popular iPad apps like Hilton WingX, Seattle Avionics FlyQ, and iFly. Displays on non-proprietary systems such as Advanced Flight Displays (AFS), and Grand Rapid Technologies (GRT) EFIS's.
Works for me

I'm getting Wx/traffic/position on my IPad WingX ap. You do of course have to tell it to connect via wifi.
I sure like having the info on my GRT map screens though. Big improvement over seeing it on the iPad.
Tim Andres
I notice that even with good tower coverage my METAR data can be 2 or 3 hours old. Is this a WINGX issue or my 600 EXP?

Also if anyone is on the list for one and plans to do any antenna pre wiring the EXP uses SMA connectors as stated in the installation manual.
The NavWorx site seems to indicate that the -exp does offer Wifi, but maybe that feature isn't working?

I thought my meaning was clear, but I guess it wasn't. There absolutely is wifi connectivity. There is nothing to configure regarding wifi. It just works. You have to sell the unit to get the ADS-B out to work, but once at is done the wifi is automatically working. By no configuration, I meant that there is no configuration that needs to be done for it to work.
bad typo

I thought my meaning was clear, but I guess it wasn't. There absolutely is wifi connectivity. There is nothing to configure regarding wifi. It just works. You have to sell the unit to get the ADS-B out to work, but once at is done the wifi is automatically working. By no configuration, I meant that there is no configuration that needs to be done for it to work.

"tell the unit", not "sell the unit"!
USB Cable Routing

For those of you putting the Navworx aft of the baggage bulkhead, and you are using the TRANSMON, how are you routing the usb cable back to the box? Doesnt seem like there's enough cable to make the connection and routing the big plug end looks painful.
Cut and Splice

I cut the USB cable and spliced in another one. I maintained the shielding between the cables with copper foil tape.

I spoke to Bill about this and this was his 'recommendation'. I use the word in quotes because it was more like 'if you really have to do that, then maintain the continuity of the shielding and make sure if you cut on the ADS600-EXP end and not the Transmon end.'

I really didn't have any choice because there was no way to run that big connector aft to the receiver.

In any event, it worked. I am using the Transmon for both squawk and altitude and and got a clean report from the FAA.

John Allen
Are members installing the annunciator light (UAT Fail) with the Navworx-exp or are you relying on your display to show failure? The installation manual states its optional, but recommended.
I installed a 'fail' lite - -

lets you know when it is 'ready'. I also installed a power on switch with a monitor light built in. Lets you know the power is good up to the switch anyway.
Sorry I missed your post Bob - -

My reasoning was if you lose power to the EXP box, the fail light does not come on either, so the only choice would be to remove the electronics cover to see what was going on. I like to know there is power up to the switch anyway. After a short GPS lock in, then the other 'Fail' light goes off, and the system is ready. The switch was less than $5 if I recall. You can turn it off also if you have any other issues. Easy to eliminate one source in trouble shooting.
Installing the Navworx ADS600-EXP in the RV-12

The weather this past weekend was nice, temperatures were 55-65 degF, so had the opportunity to install the Navworx ADS600-EXP in my RV-12. I have the D-180 version installed. The Navworx was mounted on the top of the mapbox, the new UAT antenna was mounted in the tailcone, the new GPS antenna was mounted next to the XM antenna & GPS 496 antenna on a shelf extension.

As all but two connections are available in the existing transponder DB-9 wiring, decided to take a different approach and built a short "plug and play" DB-9 male to DB-9 female jumper and attached the Navworx wiring in between the two new DB-9s. (Who knows why, but, getting back to the original configuration will be easy should it become necessary.) The remaining shielded pair has to be attached to the DB-25 connector at the rear of the GTX327 transponder. The SL40 and transponder have to be removed. Two small phillips screws hold the transponder DB-25 in position. A long small phillips bit screwdriver is necessary to reach the screws from the front side. One female pin has to be added to this DB-25 and the associated signal ground has to be spliced into the transponder ground.

I added a small SPST power switch and a small "failure" LED.

Photos, a wiring diagram and connection instructions at the rear of the GTX327 transponder are available in my Dropbox folder. My thanks to John Bender and Paul Fisher for guidance and the installation assist. All appears to be working.

Photos and Wiring Diagram

A couple of nice SteinAir videos, the SS-2 solder sleeves are a very nice way to wire the multi-conductor shields.
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Thanks Marty, this is exactly what I've been looking for. Would you happen to have a bill-of-material list for all the components - connectors, wire, switch, LED, GPS antenna, etc.? I can follow your installation and wiring diagram but procurement of parts is not my stronghold.
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The UAT antenna, GPS antenna, antenna coax and wiring harness are Navworx ADS600-EXP options available from Navworx.

The switch, LED, SS-2 solder sleeves, wire, DB-9 connectors, DB-9 connector pins, DB-9 connector hoods are all available from SteinAir. Heat shrink from Harbor Freight.