
Active Member

Has anybody installed an O-320 or 0-360 on an RV6 (NOT 6A) fuselage with nil wings attached and nil empennage attachd? Canopy not attached except for rollframe.

I intend this to be my next step to finalise firewall penenrations before I go back to the canopy plastic work this southern hemisphere summer.

I weighed the airframe in its current config today & have 55lb on the tailwheel (Doug Bell fitting) and a total weight of 270lb. I estmate the engine cg at 22" fwd of the main wheels and using 300lb eng weight that will reduce my tailwheel load by approx 36lb to 19lb. If I install the emepennage I estimate the tailwehhel load will increased to approx 35lb.

My problem is a very tight space in wshop/garage for engine AND empennage instn, so it would be nice to hear if anybody has actuall done what I propose!!!

All feedback welcome.

Thanks in advance
Graham Murphy
New Zealand. (Warm 25 deg C oops 77deg F)
No problem, just put (and keep) weight on the tail. I did it on my RV-7 with about 40 lbs on the tail (lead shot, sandbags, whatever). Just don't remove the weight without securing the tail to the floor!
You shouldn't have a problem. Just put some weight on the "deck" where the HS rests. I sat a bucket there and loaded it with weights.

What I found was that without the ballast, even a little additional weight (or downward force) on the engine would cause the whole thing to tip. That could be a very expensive tip.

One thing - if, for whatever reason, you need to raise the tail to do something, don't be surprised if there is still a tipping point. Even with quite a bit of weight on the tail of my -6, it would try to tip forward if I raised the tail to a point where the fuselage rails were level.
One minor draw back is having to walk around the engine to work on both sides. I would not let that stop me if the rest of my plan came together. Sounds like you are far enough along. Putting the wings on is one of the last things you want to do actually, for the same reason.