
Active Member
I am ready to install my engine and dynon package. I ordered them last week so I am finishing up a few small things while I am waiting for them to be delivered. My question. On average, how many hours does it take to install the engine, avionics, and to complete the cowling? I am getting excited about seeing some light at the end of the tunnel!
Eng. and avionics install

Took me about a week working day time . Every thing is plug and play. Fitting the cowl is another story
Ray, I just checked my build log. My records are not real detailed but I received my engine on April 8th. At that point I had not done any work on the cowl, nor had I attached the tailcone to the main fuselage.

I had most of the avionics installed but I had not completely installed all the flight controls or the rudder/brakes assembly. I waited to install the control sticks and brake/rudder assembly as long as possible.

Except for a 10 day break in July, I worked a minimum of 30 hours a week on the plane.

When I received the engine, I bet my brother I would have the plane ready for Mel to inspect by June 1, then the date moved to July 1, then to "some time in August" - which I finally accomplished.

Just remember, it's not how fast you do it but how well you do it. When you take that first flight you won't be thinking about how long it took to build but you will be thinking about whether you did everything possible to get it right.
I couldn't resist powering up my Dynon as soon as it was plugged in. If you do, don't freak out if it seems nothing works. There is a setup process to got through to get everything to play nice on the data bus. Mine was the D-180 & D-120 combo, but I'm guessing the Skyview also requires setup to perform properly.
I assume you are speaking about the complete engine/firewall forward and avionics kits including the cowling and prop/spinner installed and fitted. I recently finished mine and added it up at 130 hours. That does not include the preparation of the cowling for painting. It may seem like a lot but you need to disassemble part of the engine and fit the cooling shroud and reassemble, do the oil pump lines and voltage regulator and all that cutting and fitting for the cowl. I've done two cowls for other RVs and I found this more challenging since it is so flexible with lots of fitting.
Scott- That is exactly what I need to do yet. Thanks
RF- I will keep that in mind. Thanks
Engine was maybe 3 weeks working a couple three days a week. Avionics. Fairly straightforward ...... If you can allot 6-8 hours a day, a week or so.