
Active Member
I have reasons to want to mount and finish the canopy before I attach the tail cone. I spoke to Ken and he says "no problem.
He says to trim the trailing edge of the canopy relative to the centerline around the roll bar.
My concern is how this will "dress" with the back window when I do attach the tail cone and in turn mount the rear window. Does the rear window have extra material along he leading edge so it can be trimmed in the final fitting for a nice uniform gap?
Anyone done this? Your thoughts please.
Followup on Canopy

I'm interested in this one. I have also not installed the tailcone but am just starting the canopy (waiting for a fuselage wiring kit and other parts that are delayed due to that integrated switch panel Van's has been trying to get organized since I started this project.)

Wondering why you don't just cleco on the turtledeck skin and rear window. I have done that and it looks like it is going to be easy to make the fit-up with those in place. I have not done the final fit up yet, but it looks like it will be very close.

Keith W.
It had better work! Others have done it this way without any problems I am aware of. I really had no choice, my garage is too short! I intend to have to trim the edges to match perfectly when I install the rear window.
My tailcone was attached when I trimmed the rear of the canopy/front of the turtle deck glass, but yes, there was extra material on the forward edge rear window. I waited until I trimmed the trailing edge of the canopy to trim and fit the rear window in order to get a uniform gap between the two.