
Well Known Member
When are inspections required while building by a DAR? Or are they? I am half way complete with my tail kit. Just wondering...thx.
None by a DAR but I'd recommend you find an EAA Tech Counselor to periodically inspect your work.

This will help you down the road in many ways.
We don't require any inspections, but highly recommend that you have EAA Technical Counselors take a periodic look, or at least have some other experienced builders (of the same type) take a look, especially if it is your first project. The use of web boards such as this one are invaluable as well.
There are never too many eyes looking at an airplane under construction. Gary Specketer was kind enough to take a look at my RV-7A as a Technical Counselor.

Go to the EAA website and find the Chapter nearest to where you live and get in contact with them. They will have a listing of TC's in your area.
already member of EAA

Just National or Chapter as well? The Chapters manage the local TC program. My Chapter lists our TC and Flight Advisors and their contact info in the monthly newsletter and on the Chapter's website. I'm sure most Chapters do the same.
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Actually, some chapters do. Until a couple of months ago, there was no TC up here at Flagstaff; now there are two and a third is coming. The EAA website has a list of all the TCs, so you can find one local (or not so local) to you. Of course, my first experience with a TC was a real horror story (which is what inspired me to become one myself). Afterward, I found out that the local pilots knew the guy well and would have warned me off. If you don't have a chapter to ask, check with your local pilots.

That said, most TCs are great and having eyes on the project, while scary at first, is a real boon. By the time I got done, I was inviting anyone over I could get; A&Ps, other builders, TCs. It really boosted my confidence not only to have someone confirm my ideas but also to catch my blunders before I got too far for an easy fix. Thanks to all the advice, my first engine start and first 20 hours have been almost trouble free.
Actually, some chapters do

Good to know. Having belonged to only one Chapter, I just sort of asssumed (dangerous, I know) they all had TCs and FAs. I love this site as I learn something new every day.
I had an EAA Tech Counselor who was an A&P....

The nice part about the guy here in the Chattanooga Area, he is also an RV-repeat offender. When I first met him, he had an RV-3. Then another, and another, none of which he built from scratch. He would buy one, clean it up, and sell it. He did build an RV-4 version of the Harmon Rocket to completion, but has never built a Van's kit from start to finish.

Since he was an A&P before I met him, his experience in rebuilding various airplanes helped me when I began the slow-build process with my RV-9A. He taught me about Cherry Max rivets to clean up some of my minor rivet problems when I was finishing up my empennage kit. He came over during wing construction, and again twice during the fuselage and finishing kit work.

The day my airplane was inspected by the DAR for flight worthiness, he only had one suggestion and it was not a mistake, just a extra safety wire around a clamp as insurance on keeping my carb heat control working properly.