RV-9A N1695 has a birth certificate as of 4-24-07. The first flight will be after re-assembly and a few honey-doos. Hoping for Thursday sometime.
2 years, 6 months, 23 days. But whose counting.
I think May is not spelled March. Few extra letters. Change that and you will make your target date! Congrats !
Larry Brons said:
RV-9A N1695 has a birth certificate as of 4-24-07. The first flight will be after re-assembly and a few honey-doos. Hoping for Thursday sometime.
2 years, 6 months, 23 days. But whose counting.
First of all, congratulations. Now, Let's get that N number in your signature updated. It's no longer reserved. It's assigned!
Second of all, You're going to have to hurry to meet that 1st flight date.
Way to go Larry.

First order of business to finish and fly the plane.
Second order fix the sig so that these picky aviators on VAF don't hound you. :p

ok, I'll update my signature. Tried to make the first flight today but still a couple of squawks to fix. (No, not spouse related)