David Paule

Well Known Member
I've found that if I look at an area of the plane looking for things wrong, that I'm not doing a good enough job.

What works a lot better is to look at one system at a time, say the fuel line from firewall to the engine. When I'm sure that one is okay, then I can look at something else.

How do you inspect things?

I have been thinking about this. If it were one person, me, then I would focus on the flight hardware connections first. Go from one place to the next to ensure that system by system it is connected properly.

If there are several people, then focus by area with a check list to address the appropriate system in zones. The check list ensures the essential systems are addressed. From past quality inspection training, it would be best to swap areas and have another person recheck them. Noting anything off in addition to the check list. Clearances, tight wires, hoses too close to sharp edges and hot parts.

Nothing like a new set of eyes to see something missed by many.

A talking and joking group without a plan does not seem to be the best way. Inspect, note, discuss, go back and show, discuss some more. Hoist the beer.

Just me. Eager to hear others techniques.