
Well Known Member
Well the time is finally here where I need to schedule my RV10 inspection. What should I leave open for the inspector to look at? Obviously all access panels will remain open and the cowls be off, but what other areas should I make accessible? I don't have an interior other than the seats and foam which I'll probably just throw a pair of sheepskins over but all of the interior panels are still out. These will be part of the W/B but could leave them off to show how I've run conduit and control systems. Any other thoughts would be appreciated.

Leave the baggage compartment rear bulkhead off, the tail fairing off, the front half of the wheel pants, cowling, underwing inspection panels, wing root fairings, seats out. You want the inspector to be able to see the entire control system, so any panels blocking the view of it need to be off.
Many ask about the wingtips. I do not require those to be off.

And you will really make the inspector happy if you have some EAA technical Counselor visits documented, especially if they used a checklist or documented anything.

I just contacted the inspector and asked him what he wanted. Also asked him about flight test area and some other details I wasn't clear about. He didn't mind a bit and was very helpful.
It is important to ask the inspector what he wants, the feds did mine and he wanted it "ready to fly". It was basically a paperwork exercise.
Thanks guys! I'm probably going with the feds as well. I'll contact the Charlotte FSDO and inquire.
It is important to ask the inspector what he wants, the feds did mine and he wanted it "ready to fly". It was basically a paperwork exercise.

My experience as well. I had every panel/fairing off the plane as I has assumed (wrongly) that he wanted to be able to inspect everything. He did take a cursory look around-20 min at most. My mistake cost me a week and a return visit by this FSDO inspector once I got everything put back on just so he could see it all together before he'd issue me my AWC -- and then he had it typed up wrong so that cost me one additional day to get the typo fixed.

Moral of the story-- regardless of who does the inspection, DAR or FSDO, call them ahead of time and discuss the process so you don't suffer any surprises like I did.
Cowling on?

It is important to ask the inspector what he wants, the feds did mine and he wanted it "ready to fly". It was basically a paperwork exercise.

Did they want it with or without the cowling installed?
Did they want it with or without the cowling installed?

In my case, with the cowling on. He wanted it in a "ready to fly that second" condition. I'm real glad I had one of our Chapter's tech counselors, no other than Dick Koehler of EAA's "How to" video fame, come in the week before and do a final pre-inspection once over before the real thing as the FSDO guy's inspection was cursory at best.
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The Fed that came out of Reno wanted to see and put a hand on every control end that moved and also the engine controls. all flight control attach points, brakes, Basically everything for an annual off. also wanted to see all required engine instrumentation on the Dynon......had to point out what was what :rolleyes: all in all it went very well, I was very happy with this Fed inspector.
In my case, with the cowling on. He wanted it in a "ready to fly that second" condition. I'm real glad I had one of our Chapter's tech counselors, no other than Dick Koehler of EAA's "How to" video fame, come in the week before and do a final pre-inspection once over before the real thing as the FSDO guy's inspection was cursory at best.

I just asked that question to the FAA lady in Scottsdale who has been assigned to do the inspection. I suggested "all buttoned up" but with the cowling off.

Her response -

Hi Gil. I agree with your suggestion in the ready to fly condition with the exception of the two cowling pieces not installed.

It does seem to make sense. :)

I also said I would have pictures available of the control systems before the seats/inspection panels were installed - I was going to do this anyway. I also have two local IA's ready to add their inspections before the FAA.