
Hi All

Daft question. Can all of the interior Inspection Panels be removed without taking the wings off? I want to remove all of the inner panels and inspect the cables, aileron mixer unit and Roll Bearing Bracket (ie remove the tail cone inspection door) without taking my wings off. I just want to make sure that this will not put any undue stress on the airframe with the wings still being on.

No problem... However, it's is easier with wings removed to stand next to the fuselage when removing and reinstalling the myriad of screws...
You can if you choose, but it's easier and quicker with them off. If you are doing a conditional inspection, they need to come off.
Wing removal

I found that standing upright beside the fuse is more comfortable than kneeling on the wings. And safer because I didn't have to climb up and down. With a bit of practice we learned to remove and install the wings quite handily.
Good luck!