
Active Member
Has anyone had there F-1 Rocket inspected since 2009. My local DARs don't want to touch it, because of the paperwork involved.Of course the FAA won't do it. It seems the rules changed in 2009 concerning unapproved kits. An for the life of me I can't figure, what is the big deal.
Thanks Ron
Front and center....

Has anyone had there F-1 Rocket inspected since 2009. My local DARs don't want to touch it, because of the paperwork involved.Of course the FAA won't do it. It seems the rules changed in 2009 concerning unapproved kits. An for the life of me I can't figure, what is the big deal.
Thanks Ron

Ron, If you are referring to the initial post construction inspection for the restricted airworthiness certificate, there are options. Mel Asbury is a DAR who regularly contributes to this site. He might be able to help you find an inspector who could look at your F-1 or point you in the right direction.

He is located in the DFW area...


I've really had a hard time getting anybody to do anything on this rocket. I finally had the FAA as well as my DAR inspect it, to make sure it comply s with the 49% rule. I had to prove it did to the best of my ability with the Fabrication an assembly operation checklist, which took most of a day. Now it's all inspected and ready to go, just waiting on the local FSDO to approve the test flight area.
Apparently the DAR can no longer do this. The head guy at the FSDO says that his inspectors are busy on other things an did not know when they could get to it. All the FAA has to do is stamp approved on the form that my DAR sent them and return it. It's not as if there any abnormal requests as to the fly off area.
This whole process is really frustrating. It's not as if the airplane is not well built an airworthy.
Don't deal with the Harrisburg FSDO or MIDO