Mike S

Senior Curmudgeon
I am in the final last tiny bit of panel design. I had planned on dual GRT screens in the left side of the panel, mounted side by side, with a set of backup round gauges below.

The panel is now cut out, everything fits and looks good.

I decided that I wanted a large screen moving map with color and terrain depiction-------and after a lot of info from a post here, I decided to install a AVMAP EKP IV. I had planned on putting it in the right side of the panel, just to the right of the radio stack. The off axis viewing of this unit is excellent, and I wound not have any problem seeing it in that location.

Then, a buddy suggested that I swap out one of the GRT screens for the AVMAP, and relocate the GRT to the right of the radio, and use this for the engine stuff.

The AVMAP, and the GRTs are so close in size that this is an easy thing to do, but it will definitely look a lot worse in the "aesthetics" end of things. Although the two units are virtually the same size, they do look a lot different.

So, my question for the "VAF data base"-------(Good name, Doug??)----is this;

For those of you already flying behind the GRT units, would you feel that a re-location of screens as I have described to be a worthwhile thing???

By the way, I have never used the GRTs, only seen them in advertising, on the web, and one friends RV-7. This is why I am tapping the knowledge of those of you in VAF land again.

Any input appreciated.

Mike S said:
but it will definitely look a lot worse in the "aesthetics" end of things.

Agreed -- and that'd be a big reason to keep those two GRT screens together. Just my opinion, though.
Mike S said:
I decided that I wanted a large screen moving map with color and terrain depiction-------and after a lot of info from a post here, I decided to install a AVMAP EKP IV. I had planned on putting it in the right side of the panel, just to the right of the radio stack. The off axis viewing of this unit is excellent, and I wound not have any problem seeing it in that location.

Then, a buddy suggested that I swap out one of the GRT screens for the AVMAP, and relocate the GRT to the right of the radio, and use this for the engine stuff.

Any input appreciated.

Not flying behind GRT yet but ...

1. Yes, it would look un-balanced if that means anything to you
2. What all is in the "radio stack"? Why not put it there with a radio and transponder? You want it close enough to read the map in difficult times.
3. Having a GRT for the co-pilot would be nice. I plan to do that.
4. I would try to put one GRT for pilot, one for co-pilot and the AvMap in the center.

So many options.....

Hi Mike!

Part of the problem of having so many choices is that it can give you option overload! The most important thing is for you to lay your panel out the way it makes sense...for you! My suggestion is that you make full size printouts of the units you are going to have, put a little tape on the back, sit int he cockpit and stick them in various configurations. You can't imagine how many iterations my panel went through before I came up with what I wanted!

I know that you are probably past that stage, you've decided on your equipment, and have even cut holes....but if you're worried about how they operate and how they'll look, you can sit there and mentally walk through the flight looking where you think you will look, and see what makes sense, and what ties you in knots instead.

And in the end, I got some great words from Danny King when he said "don't forget the beauty of symmetry!"

Just some ideas....


I've got a little over 200 hours on the dual GRTs - they are mounted one on top of the other (http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=16224). I use the GRT moving map for long range wx (xm wx installed) and the Garmin 430 for the moving map and terrain set at shorter range.

Have you looked at the new high-res screens from GRT, avail later this year? That might give you a good large map, terrain, and "symmetry" too.

I'm on my third panel already, so don't feel bad about having to cut a new one if that's the right answer. ;)

To all, THANKS for the input. I really like the quote "the beauty of symmetry!"

In re-reading my original post, I see that I was not real clear as to my basic, core question. So I will try to be more clear this time.

Do you guys and gals find that the moving map feature of the GRT screen is adequate for the job, or would you prefer a better map screen?? and is it worth displacing one of the GRT twins to the other side of the panel to get the better map.

Basically a relative value question between the really amazing abilities, and possible combinations of configurations, of dual GRT vs a really nice moving map.

And Paul, yes I am way past the cardboard cutout stage, I am trying real hard to make that one last cutout in the panel so it can go out to the powder coat folks.

James, Radio stack already used up, only location left is to the right of the stack. I can put either the AVMAP, or one of the GRTs there.

This may help

I decided that a photo might help folks understand what I am trying to do.

I can mount the AVMAP to the right of the radio, or I could replace one of my GRTs-----right one for data card access on the AVMAP, and put the GRT over in front of the co-pilot.


I guess for me it would come down to an IFR vs. VFR "moving map" question. The GRT moving map is a good IFR map (shows you the position of airports and navaids along with airspace boundaries) and IMHO an outstanding HSI display for IFR. It is not much of a VFR moving map. I have my panel optimized for instrument work (because when I'm VFR, I have the world to look at!), so I like having the two GRT's right next to each other. That doesn't really tell you what I think you should do - just lets you know my own reasoning.

Paul, yet again, thanks. The part of your message that the GRT map is not real good for VFR is really what is driving my concerns here. I had already come to that conclusion from "research", but had no actual flight time behind the GRT.

But, I do have a window to look out of.

At this time I am a "severe clear" VFR pilot.

In the future, I very well may go ahead and get my IFR ticket----------the cross country comfort/abilities and load capacity of the -10 just about begs for for it. And the insurance folks seem to be herding things there also.

ACK!!!!!!!!!!! Decisions-----------

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Ironflight said:
It is not much of a VFR moving map.

Love my GRT but as Paul points out the VFR map is it's weak point. I too would consider that during the design of the panel.

Not flying yet but here's my panel with a single Horison 1, KMD-150 (with VFR GPS) and EIS-4000. This gives me ADI, color moving map and engine instruments alll side by side. I don't think the balance is is off by having different size components. I'm building an airplane here, not a feng shui rock garden.


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Jekyll, thanks for the laugh.

"not a feng shui rock garden".

No matter what I do, my panel certainly wont be "Balanced".

I spent an hour or so in a buddies -7, with 3 GRT screens this morning. I learned a lot about how these things work, and look. I am now really impressed with these units. And satisfied with the presentation of map info.

One of the more interesting capabilities was that the GRTs will display info from an outside gps source. This makes me a lot more comfortable with having the AVMAP mounted way out in right field.

At this time, I am pretty sure I am going to keep the GRTs together, and put the AVMAP on the right side.

Thanks to all, Mike
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