This just posted on the Innodyn website:

April 2007 Update

Innodyn appreciates the continued interest in using our turbine in aviation expressed by the many information inquiries received through our web site.

Currently, we remain in the final testing, evaluation, and refinement stage of our product development. Although basic operational information is available from our extensive ground testing, we have yet to develop final data from our limited in- flight testing program. At this time, we are not yet in commercial production of the projected product line of turbine presented on our page.

Although significant progress has been made toward that point, we have experienced delays during the past year that have impacted our time line for reaching a production stage. We remain optimistic that a final product line can be presented for limited production later this year. Please continue to express your interest in our project, and we will certainly answer question presented to us through our site. This is an exciting time for Innodyn as we focus on bringing this advanced technology to market. We appreciate your patience as we complete that process.

Thank you.
Status - big news?

Can I be the first to say this is the same thing they have been saying for several years. :rolleyes: Just saying, nothing new.