jim plaster

Well Known Member
Examine your inner tubes carefully. I replaced all three tires and tubes last fall from Desser Aircraft. Having returned a new set that I ordered for a F1 Rocket due to cracking I ordered my set thing it was simply a fluke....I was wrong. Last month I had a right main tire deflate on landing in N.C., I had my hands full keeping the ship straight on the 30 foot wide strip. Post incident examination revealed several small splits in the sidewall area,nothing was found in the tire. As a precaution I replaced both main tires and tubes . Yesterday the nose tube failed, again further examination revealed the same type of split in the sidewall area. The main and nose tubes were different brands leading me to believe there's a shipping/ packing issue which weakens the rubber when Desser folds and rolls the tubes .....then shoving the tubes in the rim hole. I've spoken with Tony at Desser on the main tube issue and will mention the nose tube on Tuesday. Fortunately damage was minimal....even after hitting one of our " bomb craters " on our airport yesterday. Check your tubes carefully...
Inner tube failures

The main inner tubes were leak guards and date stamped November 2012. Nose tube was a Cheng Shin....date stamp wasn't legible.
What pressure do you use for nose and mains?
Any thought it could be pressure related and not shipping or manufacture flaw?
Inner tube failures

I'm running 38 psi in the mains and 34 in the nose tire. Again....different manufacturers on the main versus the nose tubes. Tony at Desser said he didn't know if the warehouses were environmentally controlled. Heat and improper storage / packing could weaken the rubber. I've been in the business since 1979 and haven't seen failures like this until now. I've seen punctures and blowouts due to flat spotting while braking,but never on newer tubes
I had a flat main tire earlier this year. The landing was normal and I taxied over to the gas pumps. As I was just about to start adding fuel, I noticed that the left main wheel fairing was almost on the ground. So I decided not to
add any more weight, shutdown the pump and replaced gas caps.
I tried to pull the airplane to clear the pump area, but it wasn't going to budge. Fortunately, a quick shot of air from a portable tank gave me enough
air to taxi to a friends hangar so we could repair the tire.

On inspection, I could find nothing wrong with the tire. The tube had simply split at a seam. This tube had been replaced not more than two years earlier.

In my case I somewhat suspect I had let the pressure get just a little too low, then a tight turn on that wheel may have been the cause. Lesson learned, if it looks like the tires might be a bit low, pull the fairing and check.

The other thread on tire pressure has the very interesting chart from Desser. According to it, max pressure for my 5x5.00 6 plies is 50 psi. I'm not going to fill to 50, but the tires can certainly take more than the 31 that I have in my POH.
Inner tube failure(s)

As per Tony's request at Desser Tire I returned all three tubes and both main tires 2 1/2 weeks ago for their " evaluation" . I ordered replacement tubes from Spruce and they were packaged MUCH better with no issues. I'm hoping Desser will replace the main tires since they were crushed and flat spotted due to heavy braking. Most write ups I've seen involving customer support at Desser have been positive, but my experience hasn't been very good so far. I try to stock tires/ tubes for my customers aircraft....but I'm not sure about buying direct from Desser anymore.....
Customer services stinks.....geeze

I sent an email and spoke with Tony again on 9/28 and he assured me replacement tires would be sent that day....Well just to follow up..today I sent another email and called . Of course Tony had already left for the day...this time I spoke with Rauol and he confirmed that nothing had been shipped yet! Tomorrow he said he'd have a conversation with Tony regarding my tires. I simply don't understand how companies with customer service this poor continue to survive. I suppose they're hoping I'll just go away,but I've got customers that depend on me installing quality products on their aircraft. It's about principles and backing their products.
Replacement tires came today

Finally today I received replacement tires that were damaged due to an inner tube failure thru the lengthy warranty process. However I'm more concerned over the packaging process that I feel led to the premature failure of one main and nose tube from the same shipment last fall. I know I was lucky in both incidents and don't want anyone else to experience the same problem and have a different outcome. I'm also hoping Desser will change its packaging process to limit cracking and weakening of its inner tubes .
Here is an interesting story...

I deleted Vans tires and tubes from my finish kit and bought Michelen Air Stops from Desser six years ago based upon recommendations from fellow pilots sayimg that the Airstops are "the best"!

Since then, i finished my plane and flew it for about 170 hours in six months! They lost very little air during the three year period that it took me to complete the build! Then it came time to head to Oshkosh...

When I was about to leave, I discovered that I had a flat tire!

Hmmmm, the culprit was a pinhole in the Michelen Airstop. I circled it with a silver sharpie and brought it to Oshkosh where I promptly stuck it under the nose of the Michelen Rep who was there at the Desser booth.

He said that they recognized a manufacturing error in that series of tubes and comped me TWO NEW ONES! They just arrived yesterday and I plan on installing them inside the two new tires that I bought from Desser at the show!

Bottom line, faith in Michelen is restored and I will try my new Airstops and report back!

Give Michelen Airstops a try!

;) CJ
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Before writing off Desser completely, talk to Duane Elkins there.

He is the guy who gave me excellent support and helped me out.

I am not sure of his title, but he is senior for sure.

Good luck!

;) CJ
There are several extensive threads on VAF about this problem. Seems the fix is higher pressure (you already have that) and using lots of talc all over the inner tube at assembly.
Inner tube

I run 50 Psi in the mains, no more splits in tires or tubes, Condors. I don't change tubes when tires are replaced. I use lots of talc, the tubes I'm using now have 500+ hours and probably 300 landings. All from Desser.
Inner tubes

I feel most of the products are fine,but feel the packaging/ storage process is flawed. As I said before I've returned brand new ,never used tubes before due to cracking in the folded areas. I'm using Goodyear tubes now at 42 psi in the mains....hopefully they'll change the packing process when shipping new tires with tubes. I never change tires without changing tubes as well.....rubber can work harden just like metal can. The potential cost of repairs to the aircraft far exceeds the cost of a new tube.