
I'm New Here
Hello fellow flyers. Just joined the Vans AirForce. Very excited to be here.
I’m purchasing an RV6 and need the required type and time sign off for insurance purposes before I can fly mine home. I’m located outside of Wichita Kansas.
I do see the two listings in Texas but I was hoping I could find someone a little closer. If anyone knows someone who could help me out please let me know.
Another option might be to have a ferry pilot deliver it and then get your training done at home. Also might be able to have a CFI bring it home with you. If either of those options work for you PM me the info.
For my transition to 6A, I almost used Marsh Flying Services El Dorado KS. Caleb was willing to fly over to KFYV daily and do it in my plane. Very nice on the tele. I did end up finding a local independent with time in type.
I am based in Wichita and currently fly an RV6. Message me if you need help or even if you ever want to fly once you get your airplane to Wichita. Would be fun to know another RV6 pilot in the area.

Thomas Dieker