Well Known Member
Ran my 912 today for 1st time. Very nice. A few problems, as you'd expect, mostly remedied quickly. However, 2 issues: 1) Procedure calls for idle RPM 1450-1500. My carbs were obviously factory-set, and idled WAY slow ( like 1100 rpm) and my engine quit once. The idle adjustments are obvious, but Rotax has a glob of RTV which makes it look like they don't want it touched. Any guidance here? Id be tempted to set throttle at 1450, shut down, and move idle screws 'til they touch the stop(s). Won't touch 'til I'm sure.

2) bad ignition check on "B" ignition. All field wiring looks good. Guidance on where/how to begin testing.

Try swapping the ignition modules? That will tell you if its the module or the wiring. The module can be replaced by a standard Ducati part.

I'd fix the ignition before trying to set the idle.

If the module swap doesn't work, remove the module ground connectors from the small bolts on top of the intake manifold. I had problems like you from the get-go and cleaning up the connections at ground fixed things. The manifolds are cast and if the contact area isn't properly smoothed out, sometimes the module function is nada or intermittent.

RV-12 #264 flying 185 hours