
Well Known Member
I have searched the forums but did not find the specific answer I'm looking for. I understand that ELSA cannot be used for hire, although certain CFIs have obtained LODAs to provide transition training, which is obviously a very good thing.

However, can an owner obtain primary flight training in his/her RV-12 certified under ELSA? So, for example, could a family member of the owner of the RV-12 legally obtain initial flight training in the 12?

can an owner obtain primary flight training in his/her RV-12 certified under ELSA?


So, for example, could a family member of the owner of the RV-12 legally obtain initial flight training in the 12?

Yes, as long as the family member doesn't pay for the use of the aircraft.

Assuming the instructor doesn't own any part of the aircraft, they can charge for there time as well.

This link might help...
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Yes, as long as the family member doesn't pay for the use of the aircraft.

Assuming the instructor doesn't own any part of the aircraft, they can charge for there time as well.

This link might help...

The instructor is always free to charge for his or her time. Why would the instructor owning a part of (or the whole airplane, for that matter) change that? The prohibition is on charging for the use of the airplane, not for the instruction. A LODA allows the owner/instructor to charge for the use of the airplane, but has nothing to do with charging for instructor time.
The instructor is always free to charge for his or her time. Why would the instructor owning a part of (or the whole airplane, for that matter) change that? The prohibition is on charging for the use of the airplane, not for the instruction. A LODA allows the owner/instructor to charge for the use of the airplane, but has nothing to do with charging for instructor time.

You are correct Sir, shouldn't be a problem. Now I think I'll get a -12 and start instructing in it. Whatdaya think, $150.00 an hour sound good?;) I've seen that done.

Seriously, you are correct in that an instructor can charge for his time in an experimental aircraft. Although a LODA has nothing to do with it.
RV12 Training

I have searched the forums but did not find the specific answer I'm looking for. I understand that ELSA cannot be used for hire, although certain CFIs have obtained LODAs to provide transition training, which is obviously a very good thing.

However, can an owner obtain primary flight training in his/her RV-12 certified under ELSA? So, for example, could a family member of the owner of the RV-12 legally obtain initial flight training in the 12?


I agree with everyone that you can, but make sure you are not in Phase1 testing.

Alex D