
Active Member
The time has come for N90774 to up grade to one of the new EFIS systems. I am asking for feed back and experiences you have had. I am looking for the pros and cons of the different systems. Photos of your installation would be appreciated also. Any info you can provide is appreciated. Photos of the autopilot installation.

Dick Johnson
Thanks Brvafa. We are looking at all the system and suffering from information overload. What I am looking for is photos of installation of the A/P servos can someone help us out?
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I think if you can define your mission and expectations from an EIFS, you can get a better recommendations.

From my knowledge and experience, all of the EIFS makers have a great and capable product that are priced competitively based on options. However, for IFR type flying some have more experience and capability/interoperability then others. Integration with auto pilot, whether as a third party company or having an integrated A/P can be another factor to look at.
Hello Dick,

Information overload? Yup - just about everyone gets it while shopping for an EFIS - there are a lot of choices out there these days. But as Mehrdad says- you need to sit down and write your requirements first - IFR or VFR is the first big one. If you din' write down what you need, how can you decide if there various systems satisfy them?

All of the major manufacturers make units that can be installed in RV's, all of them have basic functionality. and the sky's the limit for add-ons beyond "basic".

This forum has literally thousands of posts on people's experiences. Spend the time to review some, and don't trust anyone that says "this is what you need" if you haven't yet told them what you want to do with it.

Remember - everyone is going to want to defend the choices that THEY made. That doesn't' mean they are the right choices for you.

Paul (three airplanes, three different missions, three different EFIS's....)

<SNIP> What I am looking for is photos of installation of the A/P servos can someone help us out?
Apologies for not having a photo, but I've just installed the Dynon roll servo hardware and it couldn't have been simpler. The parts mated perfectly with the bellcrank and fit completely hassle free.