Background Informations

A little background information about the MIRAGE from the Swiss Airforce:

They flew the Mirage from 1966 until 2004. Additional solidfuel-rockets for quick starts and an liquidfuel rocketengine to speed up to Mach 2 and 66'000ft high, so they could reach every place in Switzerland within minutes. It was a good plane, but also awsome loud when they start with afterburner, (that was normal)

It looks that they fly realy close to the mountains, thats normal for Swiss Airforce Pilots.


The One Six Right video just about brings a tear to your eye! That's just beautiful! I have the DVD reserved, and I can't wait to watch it!

The other video is just simply breathtaking.

Great Stuff!
I'm sold!

After watching that video...I'm sold! Reserving my copy now. Seeing that DC-3 gave me chills. Remarkable cinametography with regards to the air-to-air shots.

I can't wait!
Man - you sure can tell that it was shot in high-def! Beautiful footage...I totally agree about the DC-3 - and having Enya for the music track fits perfectly.
Onesixright video

Brian130 said:
What was that twin flying form with the Mustang?

If you will go back to the video site and click on the web site in the lower left conrner. Once there, clink on DVD at the bottom, it says its an AN A-26. There is also another 5 minute video on the web site under trailer.

If I had the loot for a plane like that, the DC-3 would be it!

Nostalgia, known icing, tailwheel and multi engine all in one package. PLUS, bring all your friends with you!

;) CJ
Shoulda built an RV but it is cool

Saw a video of that thing crashing just like the real one did when that guy was showboating before an airshow or something. Heard it cost about $40,000 to build it.
That OneSixRight video is amazing!!! I reserved a DVD too.

If you like that air-to-air stuff, then I suggest this DVD...
The Magic of Flight
Great air-to-air of the Blue Angels in IMAX format... awsome!
Never heard how long that B-52 took to build, but I'm pretty sure it uses the tiny Wren Turbine in each of the eight cowlings.

Pretty cool stuff!
Did you guys know about the theatrical tour is now underway or will be on 8/31/06 in select places.
Bought tickets at Indianapolis showing. Wife, daughter and I are going. So are a bunch of piots from my airport.
You can buy tickets by clicking on the tour on the one six right site.