
Well Known Member
Aero classic Leakguard 500x5 tubes were $72.75 a piece in June from ACS. Today they are $108.95. 50% increase in FIVE months. Good grief!!!
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Aero classic Leakguard 500x5 tubes were $72.75 a piece in June from ACS. Today they are $108.95. 150% increase in FIVE months. Good grief!!!

Actually, it's a 50% increase, but your point is well taken. Pretty astounding price increases on virtually everything these days.
Aero classic Leakguard 500x5 tubes were $72.75 a piece in June from ACS. Today they are $108.95. 50% increase in FIVE months. Good grief!!!

It's nuts, and disgusting many suppliers are raising prices, " because they can.."

I was reviewing recent minutes from our Airport Advisory Board. These are publicly closed meetings, but minutes can be obtained if you poke around enough. One of the board members was really pushing a hike in monthly hangar rent... not because it was necessary to offset costs... but " because everything is going up " was his rational... " now's our chance...". Disgusting !!