
Well Known Member
Hello Gents

I'm in the process of converting my RV-4 Pitch Trim from manual to electric and also using an Infinity stick grip with a Dynon A/P Panel for auto Trim

My question is...Do I need to install the Ray Allen Relay Deck with the Ray Allen Servo when using an Infinity Grip Coolie Hat and the Dynon A/P Panel??

I've read conflicting comments....Some say Yes and some say No...:confused:

So is there anyone who has done it who can tell me the real answer???

Also: For RV-4 Owners using an Infinity Stick Grip:

Where did you exit the Blue wire bundle from the grip ?? At the Bottom or did you drill a hole in the stick ( If yes, did you have to re-enforce the stick ) ???

Thank you for your imputs

[email protected]
My question is...Do I need to install the Ray Allen Relay Deck with the Ray Allen Servo when using an Infinity Grip Coolie Hat and the Dynon A/P Panel??

I've read conflicting comments....Some say Yes and some say No...:confused:

So is there anyone who has done it who can tell me the real answer???

Also: For RV-4 Owners using an Infinity Stick Grip:

Where did you exit the Blue wire bundle from the grip ?? At the Bottom or did you drill a hole in the stick ( If yes, did you have to re-enforce the stick ) ???

Thank you for your imputs

[email protected]


No need for separate relays when using the Dynon AP panel. Installing both will cause issues.

In my -7A, I drilled a hole near the pivot point for the bundle to exit. The primary reason for doing this was to limit the amount of wire movement with the stick. If you run the bundle out the bottom, you will need to ensure it will not chafe or interfere with anything, which will be difficult.
Infiniy Stick Grip

Hi Raymo

That is what I thought and glad I don't need to install the relay

Would you have a picture of your install you could send me by any chance??


[email protected]
Not a great pic but should help.

For the Infinity grip with the Dynon A/P panel, take the common wire from the trim hat to ground, then run the up and down wires to the A/P panel pins 3 and 4 respectively, then run pins 7 and 8 to the two white wires on the Ray allen motor. You will also need power to pin 9 and ground to pin 2 on the A/P panel 15-pin connector.
Is there any special relays or wiring needed when you are planning on using trim in both stick grips with the Dynon AP panel?
Infinity grip wiring

Thank you Jesse for the wiring info.

A friend also provided me with the wiring info and it is on par with your info.

Thank you for the picture Ray..I was wondering if I needed to reinforce the area where I needed to drill the exit hole but looks like it won't be required.

Thanks again everyone...

Some reinforce. Some do not. I did not feel it was necessary (my opinion). Keep the hole as small as practicle and debur it like you would any other hole.
Wait a minute Bruno, you had MANUAL trim on your plane?? How can that be? You have every conceivable bell, whistle and gizmo known to man and you had MANUAL trim? There are Pietenpols with electric trim! :p

We missed you at the Lachute flyin yesterday :(

Infinity Stick Grip

Hi Scott

Yeah I know...But it is the installation of more gizmos that force me to go electric...I'm gonna need another panel if I keep on putting new stuff in :D

Sorry about the RVA in Lachute but I was half way across the Atlantic flying my RV from Seattle...Was there on Sunday though to refuel...

How's your RV-4 coming up??

