

I am installing my Infinity stick grip and am looking for advice and experience on where to exit the very large wire bundle from the stick in the front seat. I plan to use a cannon plug for a quick disconnect, probably locating it along the wing spar under the right side panel. Since the wire bundle is fairly rigid, it seems to me that it could cause some interference with the normal motion of the stick if not installed correctly. Pictures would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Jim Gray
RV-8 finishing

Mine exits a hole in the aft face of the stick just above the hinge point. The hole is a bit oval shaped to allow threading the bindle through. No interference, and works fine - I also put my disconnect under the right side horizontal panel. I did cover the bundle in snake-skin to give it a bit more wear-resistance where it goes through the hole in the stick. Looked for pictures....didn't find any.
