
Well Known Member
I am fitting Infinity grips on the front and rear stick and am wondering about the length of the front stick. I have it cut and with the grip installed it clears the instrument panel by about 3/8". My question--does it also need to fit underneath the forward brace? I'd prefer not to mount the tail just to see how far forward the stick must travel before the elevator stops are contacted. I'm certain that some of the builders with a straight stick with an Infinity grip can provide an answer. Thanks--
Infinity Stick Grip

I'm not at the hanger to check this but....The Doll has an Infinity stick grip on a strait stick that just clears the bottom of the instrument panel. Therefore, it must be possible to adjust the stick travel for the proper amount of down elevator without any interference from the cross brace. So......carry on.
Hi Steve-

I have the same set up as you. Straight sticks with infinity grips. I just measured mine....1/4 inch clearance from china hat to bottom of panel. This allowed full down elevator without interfering with the cross brace. At 3/8 inch you will be fine. As Danny mentioned...carry on.


I cut mine just short enough to where I wouldn't jam my thumb between the chinamans hat and the bottom of the panel just in case I had it there during aerobatics or some other such nonsense.:rolleyes: