E. D. Eliot

Well Known Member
Looking to learn your experiences with an inexpensive cable tension meter as per the last Kit Plane Magazine. I will likely need one later this year. I like to own rather that borrow tools. Is there any particular model or manufacturer that is best? Please advise. Anyone have a decent one for sale? Thanks.
Looking to learn your experiences with an inexpensive cable tension meter as per the last Kit Plane Magazine. I will likely need one later this year. I like to own rather that borrow tools. Is there any particular model or manufacturer that is best? Please advise. Anyone have a decent one for sale? Thanks.

Just tighten your cables till control stops are hit per instructions and cable slap doesn't happen (a little adjustment at a time so as not to over tighten)...or you strum it till you hit a "C" chord��
Although you love to own tools (as I do, I even suspect I built a plane for this reason!) you can make an exception for this one as you will use it only once a year, during annual inspection. They are easy to borrow on any airport with an A&P shop.
Takes chutzpah to do that.

Not at all, Tony! I found that AN&Ps who use to deal with customers who sometimes have no idea of what's going on in their plane and how to fix it have lots of respect for experimental plane builders with whom they can have meaningful exchanges. It helps also to recognize our limits as amateur builders and defer to them when necessary.
I recently bought one, it seems to me that you do not know how well calibrated the one you borrow is or isn't. Any no, nobody can borrow mine.
Looking to learn your experiences with an inexpensive cable tension meter as per the last Kit Plane Magazine. I will likely need one later this year. I like to own rather that borrow tools. Is there any particular model or manufacturer that is best? Please advise. Anyone have a decent one for sale? Thanks.

Just curious what type aircraft and which cables you will be measuring?
At Sun 'n FUn this year, there was a vendor who had about six of these in used condition for sale. Probably one of those guys from Witchita who buys Boeing Surplus. I would imagine they might be on E-Bay....
It takes a dictionary to look up chutzpah. :D

Sorry, I'm the product of Wisconsin public education.
One more time for Cable Tension...

Chutzpah - check
Tensionometer borrowed - check
Conversion chart to correct for Alabama summers - check
Follow line on chart...which line? What Cable size do we have on our -12s?
Thanks Tony, I'll measure at the airport tomorrow. I guess I was expecting that even if I measured the cable diameter, it would probably be called a fractional size a little smaller or a little larger than what my caliper shows. Call me a pessimist, I've been working with the government too long! <grin>
Thanks Tony, I'll measure at the airport tomorrow. I guess I was expecting that even if I measured the cable diameter, it would probably be called a fractional size a little smaller or a little larger than what my caliper shows. Call me a pessimist, I've been working with the government too long! <grin>

You have it right. My cables measure a few thousands less than a nominal 1/8 inch. I use the 1/8 scale on the tensiometer.
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Hi Joe,

I have the same item from Skygeek and have had good service over the last three years. It has been used by many at my airport with no problems.:)
Awesome! Thanks to all! This the the BEST cable thread. My earlier searches didn't yield the combination of info needed i.e. Cable Size and affordable tool.

One search did eventually lead me to a temperature correction chart...AC_90-116, page 2-54 or thereabouts as I recall. May have been earlier in this thread but can't find it just now.

Anyway, onward and upward with more cable confidence!
Is this referring to the rudder cables? Mine are loose unless there's pressure on the pedals. Wondering if my plane is set up properly.
Is this referring to the rudder cables? Mine are loose unless there's pressure on the pedals. Wondering if my plane is set up properly.

No, it's referring to the stabilator cables. The rudder cables are not tensioned unless there is pressure on the pedals.
I guess this is heresy, but I ask what are the consequences of under tension and over tension. One has the catastrophic consequences of jumping the pulley and losing stabilator control while the other (over tension) results in pulley wear. I don't have a tensionometer (I'd use it if I had one) so I rely on what we engineers call "good engineering judgement". After 4 and 1/2 years And 478 hours I haven't fallen out of the sky, and my pulleys look fine. I don't plan on buying a tensionometer.

Let the verbal assault commence!😁
Thanks to you all

Just purchased the recommended tensioner. I will add this tool to my list of seldom used tools. Very specific to aircraft. I like to 'own' the tools that make my airplane safer. That way, I have a better chance of knowing it is accurate. Just a 'philosophy' thing. That is how I roll with my 'special' tools.

Thanks again to all who responded.:cool: