
I'm New Here
I have recently caught the RV-8 builder bug (just the sniffles now, but I feel a fever coming on very soon!) and have been reading as much as I can get my hands on about the whole process. While I haven't seen more than a few RV-8's in person, I have been surprised to have not seen any inertia reel harnesses installed on the ones I saw. Am I missing something or is this not an option? I really enjoy the comfort of the inertia reel setup.
I'm not sure where you'd find the room for inertial reels for the pilot - the shoulder harnesses are attached to the cross-bar right behind your neck. You could fit them for the passenger, if you put them back in the baggage compartment.
Hi Rick,

Welcome to the "RV Fever Treatment Ward." We're all patients here.

There are a couple of reasons you don't see inertial reel harnesses in an RV-8.

There's not a whole lot of room behind your shoulders for the "reel" part of the mechanism, because the straps are attached to the bar directly behind you. Also, since everything in an RV-8 cockpit tends to be within easy arm's reach, there's not really much of a need (or ability) to lean forward very far. So, for the sake of simplicity and lightness, a simple fixed harness is adequate.

Let us know how your RV illness goes. I'm about six years into a very serious case. The docs don't know what to do. ;)
Thanks! I figured that the mounting part might be the challenge, but I've read about so many other modifications that I thought that it might be doable.