
Well Known Member
JD Air Parts

For Immediate Release:

RE: Passing the torch

The time has come to fully retire. I’ve made the decision to pass the company on to fresh blood. The decision was not easy. Although not a lot of work, I don’t feel it is fair to leave customers waiting for parts when I’m on a vacation to a faraway place. So, after nearly two years of planning and vetting potential new owners, I couldn’t be more excited to transfer ownership of the JD Air Parts brand to Brian Beatty. Effective July 1, 2024, JD Air Parts will be a Tailwind Aero, LLC company, and will focus on continuing to providing industry leading parts for the experimental marketplace.

Brian is well known in the RV community. He has built a multiple award winning RV 7 including a Bronze Lindy at AirVenture 2022. He brings business experience, along with many new ideas and an extensive aviation knowledge and background. Along with his girlfriend and fellow aviation industry contributor, Hetty Carlson, their combined knowledge will insure success.

Keep an eye out for several new products coming to market in next year. Don’t you worry, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be staying on with Brian for as long as necessary as customer support and overseeing ongoing projects that are in the works. Lots of big news on the horizon so check back as our updates will be many.

The transition will be relatively seamless with possibly a day or two of downtime while he sets up his accounts with the website host and shipping program. Please be patient as we make this transition as quickly as possible. Brian will do a formal introduction when this is completed.

It has been an absolute pleasure serving the RV community and other experimental interests the past 14+ years. I’ve prided myself on bringing the finest products to the market and timely, honest communications. Thanks for the business and support over the years, and for all the fellow builders I have met along the way. Please continue to support Brian and JD Air Parts as he grows in the years to come.

Darwin N. Barrie
Co-Founder, JD Air Parts, RETIRED!!