
Well Known Member
Does anyone have pictures of a simple wing stand that I can build to allow me to handle the wing single-handed for painting, sanding, etc. I am building in a 2 car garge and space is limited so I can't put the wings on a saw horse and leave them set up. I'm getting close to the painting phase and I need to be able to roll them outside to wet sand, etc.
2 X 4,s

Hi, I Painted almost every thing with these, below is a simple cross brace.

simple wing stand

If you can find a copy of the video "From the ground up" you can see how they did it.

One end of the wing had a pivot, the other had a 12" x 12" piece of plywood attached that sat on a saw horse. You lifted that end and then rotated. You cut the plywood with 4, 6 or 8 sides so you have several choices of work angles. After lifting, turning and setting back down on another edge of the plywood, it will not turn until lifted again. Makes it fixed so it does not move while sanding, etc.

Mike Stephenson

Thanks so much for the pics. I am nearing this stage and really wanted a simple way to rotate fuse and wings. Also, that's some interesting landing gear you've got there :D.
Thanks for the pictures Frank! That gives me the info I need to make up a good set of supports. Now to get all these little unfinished things finished then get on with painting.