Scott Will

Well Known Member
Anyone know where to get some nice, small indicator lights (visible in sun but dimmable at night)? I'm looking at something 1/2" or smaller but not sure what actually works in real world flying (e.g. visibility).

Thanks for your help. Have a Merry Christmas!
Not sure if you are wanting round, square, or what. I think SteinAir has an enunciator light panel. What I found that worked for me was to get some LED lights from Radio Shack (yes, I know most RS stuff is crap), but I found some small ones with a chrome bezel. I then wired them up using diodes to cut the current ala Aeroelectric Bob's drawings. These things look nice, are small, and very hard to ignore when lit.

I have part numbers on my schematic drawings, which are on my web site.
Thanks Randy... Yeah most of what Rat Shack sells is crap and I was hesitant to look there. But if you say their chrome bezel is nice I'll have to take a look. I've enjoyed looking at your drawings on the web... used them as a basis for mine drawn in AutoCAD as well.

Merry Christmas,
Scott Will said:
Anyone know where to get some nice, small indicator lights (visible in sun but dimmable at night)? I'm looking at something 1/2" or smaller but not sure what actually works in real world flying (e.g. visibility).

Thanks for your help. Have a Merry Christmas!


Check the Vx Aviation web site:

These are square and rectangular LED annunciator lamps and controllers, and the lamps are designed to be easily labeled.

The controllers allow sensing of positively or negatively switched signals, and allow for lamp dimming.

There are some new products on the way as well if you are interested.

Thanks, Vern Little