
Well Known Member
Went to airport early this AM to get my prop balanced. No adjustment needed as it was within spec BUT the indicated RPM on IK2000 was out by 300 RPM (higher!) vs the prop balancer computer AND the seperate RPM strobe.

I am running the Light Speed II with the hall senors on the fly wheel and the IK2000 is taking the readings off that.

I would apprecaite input from anybody else that has had similar experiences.

Hi Wayne,

I have I-K Technologies AIM-2 that reads 200-300 RPM higher than either the mechanical tach or the optical tach (which pretty much match each other). In my case the AIM-2 is getting its signal from my left P-Mag at 2 pulses per revolution. I havn't talked to Ralph at I-K Technologies about this so I don't know if he has a way of correcting the error. You might give him a call and see what he has to say.

Let me know if you find a way to correct the problem.
RPM error:IK-2000

I've had errors on my IK-2000 tach reading since it was new. It is accurate until about 2200 rpm but above that it begins to get off. A few years ago Ralph worked with me some and I tried a different tach generator. It was not a corrective action so I went back to the original tach drive. He promised more help but it has not been forthcoming.

I put a EI tach in my RV-6A and use it for my primary tach now. (EI=Electronics International)- A wonderful company and great products!