
Hello, I'm looking at an RV-12 in Indiana... however, I live in Oregon. Can anyone offer the name and contact of someone in Indiana (or near) that could provide a qualified pre-purchase inspection prior to my traveling there? Thanks. Jim
I don?t know Scott or the airplane personally. I?d be happy to go take a look at it for you if you?d like. If so send me an IM with a list of what you?d like me to check out.
Nice offer!

Wow! That's really nice of you. At this point, it might be premature. My wife and I are praying about the whole endeavor... this would be our first airplane and a huge step financially. I see that among your builds, you've completed a 12. Tell me, Van's advertises a 750-900 hour build time. Most non-airplane projects take me three times as long I anticipate (and I'm handy). Given that a guy is handy, what would you say about the 750-900 hour estimate. Thanks in advance!
Probably realistic closer to 900 if you do not do paint prep and paint yourself. If you do then add another 200+ hours or more depending upon how much of a perfectionist you are but that goes for all RVs and not just the 12. Plus add say 50 hours after inspection for the performance acceptance procedures and getting all ready for the first flight.
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Synergy Air?

Wow! That's really nice of you. At this point, it might be premature. My wife and I are praying about the whole endeavor... this would be our first airplane and a huge step financially. I see that among your builds, you've completed a 12. Tell me, Van's advertises a 750-900 hour build time. Most non-airplane projects take me three times as long I anticipate (and I'm handy). Given that a guy is handy, what would you say about the 750-900 hour estimate. Thanks in advance!

You are right there at the home of the SLSA "factory" for the RV-12. I know Synergy also does build assist with the ELSA versions. It certainly adds to the cost of getting a plane, but you end up with a well built plane in a much shorter period of time. Plus you could be home every night in your own bed.
My home town

Yep, Van's is 1.5 hours north. I visited the factory and went for a demo ride. Synergy is about 5 miles from my house. I plan on visiting there soon and checking it out. I'm quite sure that would be the absolute best route to go, just not sure I can pay the piper. (I know, I know - then what am I even thinking of getting into owning an airplane for?). I presently own a Porsche (older model). The ONLY way I can justify owning the car is by learning how to fix everything on it myself. The same will be pretty much true with a plane. (BTW: I'm selling the car as seed money for the plane.)
Go to my website and you can see the entire construction of the -12 along with my trip out to Eugene to get it painted. www.rv12.pflanzer-aviation.com

With just looking at the pictures and the price, I doubt you can go wrong with Scott's airplane but I'd have to do a closer inspection before finalizing that. Greenwood airport is less than 15 minutes from me so it's not a big deal.

The -12 kit is the easiest of all of Van's kits to build. I completed mine in about 12 months elapsed time (8 months of actual building time) but I'm experienced and have all the tools. If you stick with it, follow the plans, and obtain/borrow the appropriate tools, you can easily complete the airplane in 900 hours or less. Also, I can't imagine that there's an airplane that costs less to maintain or operate than the -12. Burns auto fuel, you get to do the maintenance, and flies 120 kts. It's hard to beat that. I took mine to 42 states in less than 2 years so it's a pretty capable airplane.
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Talk about small world...

I called a friend of mine to get some advice on eliminating rust spots and touching up the paint on my truck. During the conversation, knowing that I was a rusty pilot, he invited me to join him that evening for the Experimental Aircraft Owners meeting in Eugene. I went, and that's what got the juices flowing in this current pursuit. The friend? John Stahr.

Really enjoy your website! Thanks for your encouragement. Jim